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Listening: Rage, Renegades

I found this at Derek's journal. I've been waiting for a similar quiz and was happy that it wasn't as lame as the Sandman quiz.

I'm New Age

"It seems to be my fancy to make it with Frank and Nancy"

Which Strange Little Girl would you be?

This quiz made while Angel was procrastinating her ass off.

The next two quizes are Trickster and I was happily surprised to get exactly what I thought I would get. Ananse was my first encounter with Trickster and I always thought he was my kind of refined comedy (yes, I'm a snob about these things. I can only take shit jokes for so long.) But I wish I could have figured out what other tricksters they have. Oh, and Coyote is listed below because I knew the right answer to get him and cause Old Man Coyote fuckin rocks this Turtle Island.

I Am Ananse the Spider
Ananse the Spider of African folklore is both wise and foolish in the best tradition of tricksters. If you're like Ananse, you're clever and like to be thought well of, but sometimes you outsmart yourself. You're always trying to figure the best angle and you're intelligent and creative, but you have a crude streak. Still, you like to show off your knowledge and that makes you a good teacher..

Which Trickster are you?
Take the Trickster Test at

I Am Coyote
Coyote is a fun-loving goofball and that fits you to a T. Playfully silly, you appear somewhat bumbling at times, and your goofy exterior sometimes makes people forget what a quick mind and razor wit hides behind that amiable grin. In the mythos of the Plains tribes, Coyote is also a Creator, and stole fire as a gift for mankind. Your gift to the world is the creative fire of your quick, capable mind..

Which Trickster are you?
Take the Trickster Test at

This was sort of curious and I was thinking of not posting it cause my answer wasn't listed for most of the questions (it happens; it's why I stopped posting these things for a long time). I'm still not sure that this was the correct one for me. I was more weird than anything, and I realized that painting the things that were actually in my head would have meant another meeting between my mom, the teacher and the school counsellor. No thanks.

i had my niche.
intelligent. creative. or artistic.
what kind of child were you?
(brought you by april)

And finally there was a quiz on M Black's journal about what your college would be like. The quiz is at My answers weren't listed even though the questions were quite thought provking. Here are my answers, sans analysis.

Most Popular Class:

Comparative Philosophy and Their Respective Cultural Expressions.

What's in their pockets:

One of the answers is pipes which I picked thinking a good tobacco pipe. Silly me, no one smokes tobacco in college.

So I guess I'd go for either a pocket calendar or a small memo pad.

Your students attend your college for:

this one was tough because it seems obvious to me that education would be the only reason *I* would have a university. There are plenty of other places to fool around and waste money at.

But the secret society also caught my eye. Trouble was the quiz takes "secret" society to mean Greek. I sure as hell didn't mean that.

So the primary thing, I think that my college should be picked would be for the supportive and inspirational community. Creative weirdos would attend my college but they would get an intense education in classic fields as well as hard number-crunching type fields where they can study astronomy and physics and such. There would be a lot of cross pollination in the classes that would encourage a lot of intellectual recourse outside of class - ie, engineers would have to take classes on creative expression and theatre majors would have to take a few courses on EE or soemthing.

This would all be in the hope that folks would really make an effort to use what they learn through their classes in their regular lives just identifying with their fellow students.

(Did I ever mention that I'm an idealist?)

There is a big off-campus party:
Ok, well this is strongly colored by the sort of party that I like, rather than the sort of bash that actually happened in college.

One of the answers is "A bunch of losers smoking their brains out." WHich I can tell the test thinks is akin to the near-dropouts of high school who would take lunch in the parking lot across the street and hotbox in somebody's truck.

My version is far more like one of the meetings of the Dead Poet's Society, yes from the Robin Williams movie. This is the scene where some of them try pot for the first time, a guy screws around with a sax and another guy sneaks in some girls. It's a little hard to watch that scene as a female and work at shaking off the feelings of descrimination. I have to sit very still and repeat to myself "they're at an all-boy's school, it's not their fault, they're at an all-boy's school, it's not their fault." But it's clear they look at the girls as a new goal, not partners in tackling the literary heavy-weights they gathered to understand.

But generally the parties, gatherings, whatever that I absolutely love are unplanned accidents where we get to free-form our thoughts about whatever we feel like. The absolute best are the ones that challenge me and lead me to make new progress on my thoughts about Everything.


oh wait no... I like the answer "live in constant fear." The first few months of college was like that, but I think I'd try to see to it that the forces that scared them would keep that up for the entire year. Never let them rest easy.

That's how I know they want it. Want it bad.

It's a week before finals:
this confused me terribly because the voice switched from "this is your college, the one you created" to "this is the college experience you had."

But I'll just state that college is a place of learning. Most students will study. Some will procrastinate. Those will fail and be the laughing stock of the school.

One of the classes that will be mandatory for a freshmen will be a mixed bag, probably based on literature but it's only real theme will be on instilling a sense of regimen and discipline on them. The most succesful students will be able to hang tough and still screw around.

Ok so this is mostly the college I wish I could have attended...but I still got what I think is a righteous education at 'SC purely because I learned a few really important and really harsh lessons about life there.

oh yeah, Vegas. Um. I'll tell you about it eventually....

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