Something to Do Before I Die

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Two Things
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I should really be in bed. Preferrably asleep. *looks over her shoulder* yeah over there.

Just wanted to say a couple of things while they're still on my mind.

1) Angelo & Vinci's is a killer restaurant I grew up near but never dined at until I was about 21. Derek actually took me there the first time, eventhough A&V has been in the neighborhood longer than I have.

It is the *best* Italian restaurant ever. Period. If you don't believe me it's clearly because you haven't eaten there.

When I was little I would bug my mom about eating there with the family but she insisted it was too expensive. She said we could do it for a big event like my birthday, but that would mean giving up going to Disneyland or Knott's or something. And who wanted to do that. When I grew older I day dreamed of bringing my college friends to Fullerton and showing them around. Of course dinner would end up at A&V's. That sorta never happened.

When I was staring down the barrel of my graduation I wanted to be able to throw a party there. But when I actually graduated I was broke and my parents were tired. So no dice.

Now I have a job and I don't rely on my parents to get around so I take every opportunity I can to drag a friend to Fullerton and introduce them to the joys of Angelo & Vinci's.

Now, this is going to sound like I'm complaining, but I'm really not. I'm just observing some stuff while being very tired. I promised (it's like dragging, but in the future tense "I will drag you") a friend I would take her to Angelo & Vinci's. We finally have an opportunity to go and she and I for several reasons don't get to hang out together much without various multitudes along as well. So I'm really looking forward to it. But I'm not really enjoying balancing our schedules along with those of the other hangers-on. I get really anal about schedules and things but I don't like repeatedly telling other people what to do and then having to rework my own schedule when at the last minute something changes drastically.

Now, this hasn't happened yet, and it might not happen at all. But like I said I'm tired.

I vaguely want to just go to the restaurant and tell everyone "I will be there at five, you are welcome but it's likely that I'll leave by six. You have been warned." But with my track record no one would show.

2) I went to see the theatre tonight with Richard. It was really neat. }:> some guys go crazy for ramshackle houses, I'm that way about theatres. It'll take a lot of work to get what I want out of it, but I know if I succeed I'm likely to just explode from the thrill.

The owner was just a bit intimidating but he could tell right away that I tend to shy from strangers so of course he jumped on that and challenged me to tell him what I know. I stammered out what little I've got going for me - a friend writing a play, dubious funds, no other potentials for space. I tried to smile but felt sick instead. Richard insisted later that it was okey and kept talking like it was a done deal.

There's still a lot to think about, but right now I'm distracted fantasizing about what I want to do to the space. Some guys were setting up in there preparing to run a rock opera and they started out the way all theatre guys have started out since the dawn of modern theatre: by sitting in the plastic chairs, leaning on the tables and staring silently at the stage for minutes. It was so warming, so simple and sublime. I know that look! It's the look of home!

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