Something to Do Before I Die

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God said to Abraham "Kill me a son"
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Who's that again?

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Listening: Grab bag of Bjork
Mentally Replaying: last night's West Wing
I'd rather be more creative
Considering: some writing exercises to while away the time
Desiring: more sleep
Physical Aches and Complaints: soreness and sleep dep

Feeling lame and truly, truly bored. I want to give you something to munch on, but I also want it to encourage feedback. Most of you have busy lives, I know, but right now I'm feeling self-obsessed and not a little lonely - at least for some distraction. It's become a trend for some people on another journal to invite everyone to pose them a question (preferably personal) and they will answer it. I've thought about stealing the idea, but honestly I doubt I'd get much of a clamouring of queries and, as I've told several of my friends (usually in a more positive context) if I feel like I don't want to answer I reserve the right to refuse to answer.

But so anyway... I'm bored. Someone talk to me!

From Emode:

Nobody, your unconscious mind is driven most by Peace

You are driven by a higher purpose than most people. You have a deeply-rooted desire to facilitate peacefulness in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with love ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to influence the world.

You are driven by a desire to encourage others to think about the positive side of things instead of focusing on the negative. The reason your unconscious is consumed by this might stem from an innate fear of war and turmoil. Thus, to avoid that uncomfortable place for you, your unconscious seeks out the peace in your environment.

Usually, the thing that underlies this unconscious drive is a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it. As a result, your personal integrity acts as a surrogate for your deeper drive toward peace and guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others.

People who have unconscious minds driven by peace tend to be independent thinkers who often prefer to live by their own high personal standards and moral code.

Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Peace, there is much more to who you are at your core.

(hmm, I'm not sure. I don't like violence and I think resolving conflict by force is a cheap, cowardly way out. But I would like to think this has more to do with trying to find the harder, but longer lasting solution than with merely being soft-hearted.)

(Oddball note: the report has a little inkblot in the corner. The inkblot to me looked like swirling violence, spurting blood and drawn guns. The word "peace" is written under it.)

My Father thinks I am: Slightly disappointing, and yet the most successful of his kids.
My Mother thinks I am: terribly confusing and probably too smart for my own good
My brothers think I am: hmm mysterious, I don't know about "cool" exactly but they always seem to miss me when I visit
My Girlfriend/Boyfriend thinks I am: Cool, amazing (at least that's what he says)
My best friend thinks I am: hellifiknow, prolly bossy
your three best qualities: thoughtful, eloquent, steady
three worst qualities: prone to anxiety, opinionated, occasionally immature
three things you are often complimented for: umm, "being there," unwavering faith/tenacity, umm intelligence i guess
a compliment you got that made you blush: "You know people! phsht, like that you read someone."
you get embarrassed when: I do something stupid
makes you happy: finding I'm close(r) to some goal of mine
upsets you: callousnous or inconsideration from other people (I'm fine with my own asshole-ish tendancies)

Yes or NO....
you keep a diary: uh... yeah though it's called "journalscape" is far from daily
you like to cook: not really though I like baking unnecessary things like cookies
you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: err yeah
you fold your underwear: Yes
you talk in your sleep: Not to my knowledge, though I've talked myself to sleep
you set your watch a few minutes ahead: I used to, but now I try to match to the time clock that I punch in at work
you bite your fingernails: not often, mostly to trim them when I can't find the nailfile
you believe in love: Yep

x. movie you rented: God I don't know. must have been years ago. More recently the boy rented and I watched with him In the Name of the Father
x. movie you bought: Again, the last movie I bought was a very long time ago (I don't own a TV and would need a better computer before installing a DVD player), but I think in the past year I bought Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon for Molasses. Couple of weeks ago he bought Spider-Man
x. song you listened to: "Venus as a Boy," Bjork
x. song that was stuck in your head: hmm, I woke up with Tori's "Spring Haze" but that was several hours ago
x. song you've downloaded: "Gold Dust" (last track on Tori's Scarlet's Walk)
x. CD you bought: Scarlet's Walk Limited Edition
x. person you've called: Molasses
x. person that's called you: Molasses
x. TV show you've watched: The West Wing
x. person you were thinking of: uh...lots, prolly Molasses

x. you wish you could live somewhere else: not usually
x. you think about suicide: occasionally
x. you believe in online dating: well it happens, so yeah.
x. others find you attractive: a strange few
x. you want more piercings: not really
x. you want more tattoos: sure
x. you drink: yeah. behind on my water intake, though
x. you do drugs: sure. no illegal ones in years
x. you smoke: rarely
x. you like cleaning: No
x. you like roller coasters: Yep
x. you write in cursive or print: a mix
x. you carry a donor card: No, I have a sticker on my driver's license

have you...
x. ever cried over a boy/girl: oh yeah
x. ever lied to someone: Yes
x. ever been in a fist fight: nope
x. ever been arrested: no

x. shampoo do you use: different girly kinds. Suave usually, but I also like St Ives and Herbal Essences when I feel rich
x. perfume do you use: Just the ones in the shampoo/conditioner
x. shoes do you wear: blue Addidas
x. are you scared of: spiders

x. of times I have been in love? at least three times (at least with people)
x. of times I have had my heart broken? once or twice, though I'll lean towards once
x. of hearts I have broken? I honestly don't know, though there are a few I've pissed off
x. of girls/boys I have kissed? hms prolly 8/15 that's more lopsided than I'd like... }:P
x. of people I've slept with? about a dozen
x. of people I consider my enemies? None
x. of people from high school that I stayed in contact with? none
x. of CDs' that I own? fuckifIknow, hundreds...
x. of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? dunno, prolly none
x.of things in my past that I regret? christ I don't know. Things that make me cringe: too many
Things I truly wish I could change: two or three (generally involving sex, if you must know)

Anything else you wanna know?

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