Something to Do Before I Die

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GOD! This day!
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Listening: office sounds
Desiring: cleanliness and less annoyingness
Physical Aches and Complaints: lower back and jaws
Enjoying: "War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good."

Okey so in an hour and a half I have to go to the dentist so he can crawl into my mouth, stab my jaws with needles and yank out a couple of teeth. I'm a pretty good sized wimp when it comes to other people inflicting pain on me, *especially* when it's the stabbing/cutting kind of needles and knives.

Ok, well pain & me have had a weird relationship but when I can at least pretend to have some control cutting and burning etc isn't exactly painful.... It hurts, but it doesn't make me want to run away in fear.

Gah. The dentist. Gah.

What the hell is the point of wisdom teeth anyway?

I just want to be knocked out.

The only time I've really had surgery I was 16 and had corrective surgery for bunions. It was over the summer when I could afford to do nothing and stay off my feet for at least four weeks. But five days after the surgery my left foot was swollen and the slightest pressure made it feel like it was on fire. so I had to go back to the hospital this time for two and a half days. Good, that made me hate hospitals. And it made me realizes that the praises of *good* nurses and doctors are sung nearly high enough. Trust me there are shitty nurses and doctors out there and it's really hard to fully fathom how much damage their ineptness can cause.

So this day. I said I'd come in and do as much work as possible before leaving for my appointment. But then I was reminded late last night that I would need/want to eat a lot of food in the morning since I won't want to eat afterwords.

That meant I would have to get up even far more early this morning to squeeze in eating (usually a Slim-Fast is the only I bother with) and then head up to work. But to get up I still need an alarm and my radio did something weird and instead of going off at a quarter to five it...well I don't know what it did. But it didn't start making noise. At about 6:35 a truck rumbling by jolted me awake. Since I had planned to already be at work at that time I was really ticked, and *really* wide awake.

My radio was turned on and set to the CD function and looked like it was waiting for a command like "play." I have no idea why. When the alarm turns on it automatically starts playing a CD. and the alarm was set for 60 minutes so I don't know why it didn't play 60 minutes of music. It was certainly set loud enough to wake me so I know it didn't play through. Plus when it's allowed to play through the allotted time it turns itself completely off when the time is over. But nearly two hours later it was still on. So I don't understand.

But anyway I jumped up got dressed and ran out to my car and hit the road. It wasn't until I was half way to work taht I realized I had left my food at home. *Sigh* so when I got to work I settled for a gross egg burrito and some o.j. Then I totally forgot about the stupid elevators.

In the best of times the elevators are friggin slow in my building, but it's usually focused on trying to go from a higher floor to a lower one. Since I work on the second floor getting to the lobby can be a pain because there are six floors above me. We have six elevators and they are *never* working simultaneously. In fact we usually have only three or four in operation on any given day. Not to mention it's just plain stupid to have to take the elevator between the lobby and the second floor. but the only stairs available have doors outside the lobby that cannot be opened from the outside without a key. If they are opened from the inside the alarm has to be disabled or it'll go off and summon the fire department.

So yesterday *all* of the elevators were out of commission. They got them back in working order (or at least some of them) but they were even *more* slow than normal. (The time between when the ding goes off inside the elevator cabin signalling arrival at a certain floor and when the doors open has been marked at half a minute.) Last night I took the stairs to the emergency exit. This morning after waiting over ten minutes for one of the two elevators in operation the security guard took pity on us and walked us up the stairs.

So I raced up the stairs, flew over to my station, hit the power button and...waited. and waited. And got annoyed when it got stuck on the Windows image. It does this every now and then. I have to reset the whole thing when it does. Helpdesk doesn't want to do anything about it. I've asked.

Work was flying by, but then it crashed and burned. The internal systems were down for most of this entry. I'm debating going to Starbucks in a little but, but only if the stairs are still in use.


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