Something to Do Before I Die

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Listening: Space Lullabies and Other Phantasmagore, Ekova
Mentally Replaying: conversation with Molasses
I'd rather be occupied
Considering: running home to pay the rent then maybe to a decent bookstore that carries BackstageWest
Desiring: a decent cup of coffee
Aches and Complaints: restlessness
Enjoying: Ekova }:>

Got off the phone less than 5 minutes ago with Molasses. We were set up to chat longer and grow more frustrated because we were expecting a delay upwards of two hours before he could leave Missouri but 20 minutes into waiting a boarding announcement was broadcast and he had to get moving. Hopefully all will be well and he will be with me again tonight by eight. *bites lip* hopefully.

I feel mildly stupid because I spent yesterday whiling away the time in my apartment waiting for the day to pass because I had nothing to do and no money to make the most of it. Such action is not conducive to maintaining a healthy frame of mind. So I slept a lot.

This led to having weird dreams in the middle of the day. On involved observing my friend Greg's singing audition grow out of control as more people wanted on the stage as well as into the audience. Lady wanted to sing among others and President Clinton wanted to listen. For my part I had to find a sleeping aid for the North Korean leader. This was to be used against him somehow and I knew it was in my mother's kitchen. I looked in the fridge and was aware of a spider, small and black crawling swiftly up my arm, under my shirt and down my back (I'm squirming as I write this!) and I remember putting my head on the cool counter and gripping the edges fiercely to keep from screaming in fear. It crawled out at the small of my back onto the counter and I trapped it in a little wooden box. I handed the box to Lady who smiled a dark little smile when I asked if she had known the spider was the sleeping aid and that I was arachnaphobic. I hoped President Clinton would like her very much. I had trouble walking out from the building I was in to the building where the auditions were because my eyes told me I was there already. I looked around and saw Greg doing a dry run to make sure the mics wouldn't get confused as the singers switched off and the chairs were set up and I turned to a guy who I knew from the Trojan band and told him this was a good idea. I called him Orange because that had been his nick name. then I looked at him and realized he was Steve from work and that he had never attended USC. But it was okay to call him Orange.

i've been ignoring my diet now for a couple of weeks. I will continue to do so for at least another week.

On his birthday this past Saturday my dad came around on a couple of things. Mom is still Mom... nothing will change that, but after an hour of stalling the family friend Richard we were all ready to go. Very big and yummy dinner at HomeTown. }:>

*sighs* Alexa is most prettiest baby ever. }:D

It's maybe because this season has been so weird I just haven't felt like doing the usual end of the year things that other people do. I don't normally mind looking over the past year to see what's happened, what I'm proud of and where I failed. Maybe I'm just *that* bored?

I do feel kinda bad that I haven't made much headway in terms of mounting a play. There are excuses a-plenty, but still. This isn't a rocket launch here. Getting some junk into a space shouldn't be too hard and a first solo project doesn't have to be anything great, it just has to *be.* But no... I want to have a good space, so I have to have some money for that. I want to mount Space Dog's play, but he has to finish writing it first. I need to figure out how and where to put on auditions, and then find a rehearsal space.... *sighs* my kingdom for a current copy of BackStageWest. It's supposed to be carried at the Barnes & Noble a block away from work, but they *never* have it. ever.

Trying to get some folks interested in clubbing tomorrow night. Not sure where we'll go but Molasses and I have decided we'd rather be with friends and drink some than be among strangers....

Then on the first, barring any tragedies, we'll head to San Diego and go to SeaWorld then stay the night there and laze our way back up the Pacific coast toward home (and work). We might stop in Fullerton and watch part or all of the Orange Bowl (Go Trojans!) or not...we'll see. }:>

If this works well I think I'll like Monday & Friday work weeks better than monday thru Fridays }:D Can't imagine why....

blearg! work is so boring right now. I guess in a way that's better than being inundated...but I feel so graceless and clunky when I have nothing to do. A year ago we were going crazy with all the work piled up over Christmas it took four months and more than doubling the size of our department to catch up. This year we have plenty of staff *and* our advertisers don't have much money to be requesting more work. So vollunteers were called to step up and request the day off with no pay.

Maybe that's a bad sign?

I'm trying not to think about the money thign too much right now. I am depending on one thing alone to save my butt right now and I don't want to jinx it. *knocks on wood*

I feel like I'm in limbo right now and I hope I'll be able to put my feet down on some firm ground, come the new year. Maybe part of that will be waiting on on other people less. I dunno.

Have a good one y'all. Take care of yourselves.

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