Something to Do Before I Die

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Listening: clicking clacking typing
Mentally Replaying: Butthole Surfers
I'd rather be: planning the weekend
Desiring: the perfect bod
Enjoying: post-workout rush


so let's see Friday went over the Vickie house for some Mage action. We were kinda lazy but our excuse was we were waiting for people who didn't make it clear they didn't feel like playing.

The ST pokes me for not getting a move on a seeking. So does my boyfriend, so does Squire... }:P I would like to have another arete, so a seeking would be in order....

But I'm stubborn, and I hate hearing people grouse about how little they can do with their current arete. Some of these people have REALLY powerful PCs (far more so than my PC) and they *whine* about how powerless they are. So I'm really tempted to keep my PC at a low level to keep showing them all the potential they're over looking.

But Time x4 is really sweet. urg.

saturday I attempted to do some shopping but got shut down by goofy electronic stores that are hard to find. I've been to the Fry's in Manhattan Beach maybe a couple dozen times but I always get a little bit lost when I'm going without directions or a navigator. This time I just flat out couldn't find it.

I tried two Best Buys but they didn't have Freedom Force, and I got to Electronic Boutique just as they were closing. Bastards.

Went out with Molasses that night and tried something that didn't work quite well. I'm not going to go into the elements, just the outline. We went to dinner at Claim Jumper (damn. hour and a half wait. damn.) and went and saw Cradle 2 the Grave. I have no idea what the title is in reference to, but that's ok cause it was fun. }:> Silly, but fun.

Sunday, more shopping. More disgruntlement on the game front. But I made huge strides getting together something to wear to the wedding this Sat. Torrid fucking rules. I could totally spend hundreds of dollars there without blinking. But I had to hold back. *sigh*

Sunday evening Molasses and I went to dinner with my family at Angelo & Vinci's. It was primarily to celebrate my sister's birthday, but I was trying to squeeze in something for my brother. It looks like they're determined to celebrate next Sunday, with or without me.

BTW yesterday was Ana's birthday - she is now 21. Watch out world! Today is my oldest brother's birthday, he's 25. YEah. They're Latin twins (to steal a line from John Leguizamo). There were no births between them.

In the bill paying department I have to call Sallie Mae cause I totally can't find their coupon book and they won't accept any checks from me without the slip of paper that *they* wrote that tells them what it's for. fuckers. Seriously, all the other school loan people send me monthly love letters to remind me to pay up. Why not Sallie Mae?

Also I have to give Pac Bell some money but I think I'll let them stew for just a few more hours.

Got a slight raise for the year. Modest. Nothing too insulting but I was really hoping for more. And I still don't really know how to go about aquiring a promotion without nagging the boss.

Yesterday I went to the Lysistrata event. It was very crazy. tag-team is right. They had about a dozen local troupes taking part and the scenes were divied up among them. So was directorial responsibilities, which made the whole thing really, REALLY schizophenic. Going from a rave scene, to an interpretive dance, to a staged reading to a normalish production was a bit mindboggling. Also it started a good bit late (there were several "guest speakers" who took the opportunity to perform, lecture, harangue, cheer, drop trou, recite poetry and in general take up a shit load of time - I don't mind dissent, but I came to see a play); and it ran rather long (interpretive dances do that).

Space Dog went with me and when we walked out (sometime after eleven, the curtain was supposed to go up at eight) we were rather pleased with it. It it was quite chaotic, but all in all as an action for solidarity it made us feel pretty good.

When I got home I went almost directly to bed, so I'll have to use another night for making sure I have everything I want for the wedding.

tonight I have a date
tomorrow night, in some theoretical sense I'll meet with Squire and some people who want to suspend me

ok... I think that's it. I should probably so some work.

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