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If Want is Luxury and Need is Revenge
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Listening: From the Choirgirl Hotel, Tori Amos
Mentally Replaying: "Grace," Ruby
I'd rather be: blocking/designing The Killing Game
Desiring: a goal
Enjoying: If the divine masterplan is perfection maybe next I'll give Judas a try.--Tori

I feel like writer's block has taken hold, only I have felt much of a need or desire to write.

I do, however, wish to communicate. But in that regard I find I have little to say. At least not anything that I think would be interesting.

I've been halfheartedly dealing with several financial issues. While I was in Pittsburgh a charge of over $200 at a flowershop in Glendale emptied my checking account. Besides the fact that I was 3000 miles away from said flowershop, $200 is quite a bit of money to spend in one such place. I just got the bank to credit the money back to me yesterday. But they're still investigating.

My new Escort is running beautifully and makes me very happy, but the finances around it are being a little bit of a headache. The contract stipulated that the dealer would pay off what I owed on the Honda and then add that amount to the Ford. Currently my account shows that I have two loans. One for the Honda (that the dealer was supposed to pay off) and one for the Ford (that includes the amount of the remainder of the Honda loan at the time I signed the contract). *sigh* I have to call the dealer's financial person and see what the heck is going on.

The Ford is in an insurance binder, and I have little time left to find an insurer. The Honda was insured with an agency through Solo and I had to write them a letter and send it through snail mail to tell them to cancel it. Just to make sure, I plan to call the bank and tell them to refuse any further electronic funds transfers to the agency. Then I'll call Solo both to make sure they recieved the letter and to ask for a quote on the new car. I also plan to call 21st Century and AllState.

In music news the tape deck on the car works beautifully which makes me very happy. A lot of the music I listened to in high school is on cassette tape so I'm going back and rediscovering a lot of it. At work I gave up trying to get a media player working. Something always gets screwed up in downloading and then refuses to be uninstalled. And HelpDesk has been good at patching things up but not at actually *helping* me get what I want. So my dear Molasses lent me an old Discman he had. He has a newer one for his work. So at least I can listen to complete CDs. The only trouble is that it's old so the sound quality is occasionally sketchy, but I think regular use has whipped into shape a little bit. (When I opened it on Monday one of the batteries was completely corroded.) So now I don't want to kill everyone at work. Just a couple of people.

Work has been...worklike. Not thrilling but not painful either. The International team was expanding and one of the job descriptions was sent to me. But a) it would be less responsiblity that I can only assume would translate into less pay and 2) they wanted proficiency in more than one foreign language *and* extensive knowledge of the country of origin. I can fake knowledge of Mexico, but my Spanish lore is a little sketchy. So I'm going to continue to bug my current manager and try not to get my foot kicked out of the doorway.

I feel like I need more free time to get into some theatre, but I probably need to stop betraying my free time to gaming. Something like how I need to stop betraying my diet to Italian food. Mmhh... Italian food.

Ok...I have an idea. You can help me. Here's how. Ask for a cover letter or a resume for a theatre gig in the comments section. Give me a date to send it by. That might force some impetus in me to create it and actually do something. Otherwise my collection of unopened BackStage West issues is just going to keep growing. *sigh*

As for real life... Tomorrow is my middle brother's birthday. I believe he'll be 20. Next week my baby brother graduates from high school. (HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL!!!! How did that happen?!?) Um, let's see. The following Saturday I'm going to an anniversary party for Molasses great aunt and uncle. That Sunday is Father's Day. The next week is Rabbit's birthday and that Friday Jupiter is getting married.

All events that necessitate presents. (Though I think I can squeek past the anniversary without buying anything. And Jester refused to get a registry, but I don't think I'm going to let that slide.)

Korea is in a little bit of a limbo but since it's nearly paid off I'm not too worried. But I do need to ask for the days off soon. Even if the trip is cancelled or postponed, Molasses still wants to go on a vacation. Which sounds fine to me.

And then there's the Cam. }:P Lot's to do there. Relatively little desire to do it. Again the time thing. I get fired up when I read the source books, but I haven't had the time. I've only had time to hang out with gamers who I occasionally get into arguements with and then end up feeling dispirited by. And all the rules went and got more complicated. *sigh*

"You were wild, where are you now?"

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