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Change of weather, a change of luck/and they'll teach you how to...
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Find yourself, L'America!

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Listening: Nattering Woman
Mentally Replaying: "L'America," The Doors
I'd rather be: still on vacation
Desiring: warmth

I'm getting chilly and need to get my jacket. No wonder four people in my department are out sick today. It's 90 degrees easy outside and frigid inside. *sigh* I know it's not so bad if I were to get up and move around, but my job sorta requires that I sit tied to my computer.

I got up in a relatively good mood. It was a really nice vacation over the past few days, but thinking of all of the things that need doing put me in a bad mood by the time I got to work. The mood is not helped by Nattering Woman who just moved to her seat behind me. Except for a ten minute break when she stepped out to smoke she hasn't shut up since she sat down. I pray to God that this is because she just moved to the seat and needs to let a lot of people know her new extension, get her laptop setup right and tell her friends about her holiday weekend. Because she won't. shut. up.

Chatting with workmates is mildly ok, eventhough management as a whole seems rather hung over. It's steadily eroding my desire to kill, Kill! KILL!

Something about Monday mornings always puts me in a bad mood. Maybe it's the general realization that the weekend is over, maybe it's that things are as messed up now as when I stopped paying attention to them on Friday. Maybe it's because upon checking, I've found that my life is just as meaningless.

Oh well. Friday I came in to work for 5 hours of OT, that evening I went to a Cam/Anarch game. Mostly boring except for the last hour, but the last hour was pretty fun. Saturday I lounged around with my Molasses and we did the laundry and read comic books (yeah, yeah graphic novels. whatever). Sunday I did a bunch of busy work creating documents for the RST on source rules from White Wolf while Molasses went to a garou game. It was boring but it passed the time and kept me on an even keel (from the sounds of it the garou game would have had me chewing off my arm to get away).

And I have the image of driving up the 405 and 110 freeways from the LBC to USC on Friday evening and having a panoramic view of fireworks. Every-fucking-where.

Imagine, everywhere you look: the sky is exploding in color and light and leaving little smudges of dirt only to be replaced by more colors and explosions. It was simply breath-taking. 180-degrees of fire showers.

Of course at GFS we couldn't see the Colosieum display but we could hear it. Man, could we hear it. It was definately the extravaganza that was advertised, but the bombardment was such that it was starting to make my stomach twist. Sudden loud sounds scare me some, but when I know what's going on I usually have a good grip on things. But even why we could see the sky light up, I knew I was breathing shallowly. Weird.

And apparently Barry White died on Friday and Buddy Ebsen, yesterday. *sigh*

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