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Why my weekend was better than yours
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beat up

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Listening: "The Frail," Nine Inch Nails
exhausted... sore...don't know where to start. I can barely keep my eyes open and I had a nice amount of sleep - not a full night but none of the four hours crap I've had recently.

Went to dinner with KH on Friday night and had a fabo dinner and got full on yummy things before i even got to the steak. (tasted it tho - aww yeah. Occasionally I figure it would Right to go vege, but Lone Star dinners are perfect for fixing that.) Then we digested while watching Brothers Grimm - Woo!! Good times. A bit scary in parts but definately a fun and funny Terry Gilliam movie. Not for kids just because there's enough 19th century European sociopolitical commentary to confuse and/or bore them.

"Merde! I mean...Scheiße!" *giggles*

Saturday drove down with KH to meet folks he knows for lunch and a few hours at the Del Mar racetrack. That was...different. I wouldn't say I had a boring/bad time but it was definately for the socializing/drinking aspect and I'm seriously worried I don't drink enough to really hang with this crowd (said with something of a tongue in cheek). *shrug* I've avoided going to baseball games because I'm told the reason is to make a social venture. i figure I can be social without simultaneously being bored as someone else gets a workout.

But the horsies were really pretty. Though my inner rights activist was getting a little wrankled at watching the jockeys smack the horses with their prods. I tried to just accept it when they were running but I saw a guy who really just looked like he was mad as his horse came in second and he kept "prodding" his horse even after crossing the finish line. Grrr.

After that we headed to the werewolf game. Good time but went too, TOO late. I'm not crazy about any game that goes past midnight and werewolf games that do bring back many bad memories. But got in some great RP all the same. *smiles*

Sunday...up early for mass, then doing some chores while Faith found her way over, then off to get her something suitably black (too late I thought I should have taken her to Ipso Facto - but Hot Topic was fun, though I had to remove myself to keep from spending money).

Then off to Disneyland. Immediately had trouble moving as they were putting on a parade. It was cute and short but got stuck part way and took a while to get moving. Joined friends at the Cafe Orleans had a bit of fritter and then we repaired to the Grand California Hotel lounge. *giggles* I LOVE showing off the hotel to people who haven't seen it before. It's so mindblowingly gorgeous and just... *aahhhhh* The drinks were good and the service was top notch and it was nice to just sit somewhere with AC for a bit. At the end KH joined us and we headed back into the park.

Only got to a few rides but they were the important ones: Mr Toad's Wild Ride, Pirates of Carribbean and then the great big goth convergance on the Haunted Mansion. They were counting us as we went in and while I was toward the end of the line I was by no means at the end - I was #1060, I would loosely estimate there were some 1300 of us around. This year they got us into groups of maybe 30 at the front of the line, we sat on the steps in front of the mansion and four or five photographers, including three in official Disney regalia, took our pictures and then we headed inside. Wee!!! It's such a blast to get into the room/elevator deals and EVERYONE in the room knows all the words to the introduction

"Is the room really stretching, or is it your imagination?"

"Consider this disturbing fact: this room has no windows and no doors! And now your challenge is: to find a way OUT! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!"

"Of course... there's always my way..." *thunder clap* *massive B-movie screams*

*bounces* YAY!

Once outside we were just in time to watch the new firework show, which is indeed super rad. They have little audio samples of the Disneyland greatest hits and the fire works are timed to the music. Then we headed to the Indiana Jones ride (fun!) and then tried to hit Space Mountain but found the line was scary long. Everyone wants to check it out because it's supposedly been totally updated and is better, faster, scarrier, etc. But by 1030PM we didn't want to wait the 1.25 hours. We decided to shove off by then.

So we said goodbye to Oenomel and KH and I headed back to Long Beach. I was pretty hungry, having only had a sandwich at the mall, but I crashed pretty hard in the car and agreed with KH that it would be easier to just hit the hay. Barely had enough energy to stumble into the apartment, brush my teeth and collapse into an unconcious heap on my bed.

This morning my alarm - which is the radio set to a newstation went off for a good 20 minutes before I realized the noise was indication I should wake up. In the meantime I was still mostly-unconciously worrying about New Orleans. When I fully roused myself I found I was trying to remember the words to a prayer for succor.

i hope they're ok. }:<

Scatterbrained this morning. Left a few odds and ends at home but nothing dire. Tonight will go a little long, and then to resume some sweet, blessed sleep.

Ah.. forgot to mention that at the park we ran to an old friend - khopri is a good guy and I finally met his wife, Stormy. Yay!

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