Something to Do Before I Die

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5/02/06 + 52
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Dear Insomnia,

fuck you too.



ugh. and the downstairs neighbors, their loud conversation that has been going on for more than two hours, their pulsing music and whatever else they've got going on isn't helping.

If I were tired it wouldn't matter. And I should be tired since I could barely stay awake after three hours of sleep, but now it's night and I want to sleep and of course I can't. And of course I'm planning on being up in a little over three hours.


1. First name? Nobody

2. Were you named after anyone? not really, though I did steal the nick from a few places - Emily Dickens, Octavio Paz

3. Do you wish on stars? Sometimes.

4. When did you last cry? I don't remember, but I almost feel like crying now.

5. Do you like your hand writing? Not really

6. What is your favorite lunch meat? tuna

7. What is your birth date? *Censored*

8. What is your most favorite album? Tori's eponymous Tales of a Librarian

9. Favorite Jewelry? *shrug* right now it's probably a wood bead necklace from a Buddhist monastery in South Korea. I don't recall the name of the monastery though I could look it up if I were at all motivated.

10. Do you have a journal? er.. yeah

11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? see above

12. What are your nicknames? razrangel and Nobody

13. Would you bungee jump? highly unlikely

14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? usually no. Should though, to preserve them. *sigh* old habits.

15. Do you think that you are strong? not really

16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Rocky road.

17. Shoe Size? Depends on the shoe, usually a 9 1/2 or 10.

18. Red or pink? Red.

19. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? utter lack of discipline. and a disorderly mind.

20. What do you like most about yourself? *shrug* things are going mostly well despite my crankiness at the moment.

21. Do you want everyone you send this to send it back? It would be nice to see a few people post this on their journals.

22. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? N/A - it's nearly two in the morning. It's a no-pants hour.

23. What are you listening to right now? Have you ever been lying down and then got up so fast there was a rush of blood to the head and you could hear your heartbeat inside your ears? If it's steady and slow that's what I hear coming up from downstairs. I'm not listening to it, necessarily. It's rather inescapable and the sound of the neighbors voices sometimes is louder than my (loud) CPU.

24. Last thing you ate? cinnammon roll from Hometown Buffet

25. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? azure

26. What is the weather like right now? cool and misty, overcast

27. Last person you talked to on the phone? Kellyfaerie

28. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? *shrug* depends on how I encounter them. Usually the first thing that sticks in my mind is what they have to say for themselves, then it's how they groom/keep themselves.

29. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I like the person from whose journal I snagged it, though I rarely get to see her. }:P

30. Favorite Drink? Irish coffee

32. Hair Color? shit brown

33. Eye Color? see above

34. Do you wear contacts? Nope

35. Favorite Food? often spaghetti, though better than I can make it.

36. Last Movie You Watched? The Notorious Bettie Page

37. Favorite Movie? Tonight it's either Frida or Lilo and Stitch. This might only make sense to me.

38. Favorite Day of the year? Usually Holloween. sometimes my birthday. Depends.

39. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Happy endings.

40. Summer or winter? Summer

41 Hugs or kisses? yes, please.

42. What is your favorite dessert? I rarely have dessert. hm. I guess right now I'd like some apple pie a la mode.

43. Who is Most Likely To Respond? I have no idea.

44. Who Is Least Likely To Respond? most of my readers (if any even bothered reading all this)

45. What Books Are You Reading? a bunch of different graphic noves, a book on cover letters, I re-picked up Chuck Palanhiuk's(sp?) Diary (I could go get the book but that's more effort)

46. What's On Your Mouse Pad? ... my mouse? The logo of my company before it was swallowed and assimilated by the current corporate overlords

47. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? no se habla ti-vi

48 Favorite Smells? rain, Old Spice, gardenias in full bloom

49. Favorite sound? his voice, the silence that fills my ears when I turn off my work computer, Beethoven's 9th Symphony

50. Stones or Beatles? *shrug* Beatles.

51. What's the farthest you've been from home? I'm not sure which is furthest from LA - the UK or South Korea. the flight to/from Korea took longest.

52. Who sent this to you? Found on Firewolf's journal.

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