Something to Do Before I Die

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God said to Abraham "Kill me a son"
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Let's see.

I quit my job. Actually very happy about that. the stress was stupid and at least I did it professionaly, giving notice and everything. In the last month five others have quit and the same week I quit two folks just walked away. Put their badges out, sent the manager an email saying "see ya" and that was it. the powers can't help but see the pressure is stupid. but I'm not waiting around to see if they figure out how to fix it. Just about everyone I told was very happy for me and wished they could do that same.

Of course it takes someone a little special in the head - like me - to walk out when there's nothing else lined up. But the constant headaches are gone and so the feeling of being on the verge of passing out. In the last couple of weeks I could feel a little stress and then laugh to myself because what did it matter?

So anyway... Only trouble (besides finding some new income) is keeping myself on task with things during my days. I need to keep exercising and eating properly. I would like to keep losing weight (I'm 20 lbs away from my target) but that's hard to do when I don't go to a gym. At the least I'd like to not gain weight. Summer warmth typically makes me forget to eat. I don't feel hungry as much. but if I don't eat then my body still goes into starvation mode and saves the few calories I do take in as fat. and I have to keep up the walking. I've been slacking off about that. grr. can't/shouldn't.

Busy as all get out with WriteAct. If I have to do concessions on Friday then I will be there everyday for the next nine days, including today. It's very exciting, I just wish it didn't mean driving into Hollywood every damned day. I'm being lazy today - I should take the train. But the rehearsals during the week don't end until very, very late (nearly midnight). I'm not sure if the trains run that late but I definately don't want to be out and on foot by then.

Otherwise, I LOVE being back in a theatre. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Where the fuck have I been for the last seven years? Telling a story that's more real than real, being present to the sort of magic of belief in the untrue and impossible gives me a huge high. and right now all I'm doing is keeping track of who's called, writing down blocking and other staging notes and staying on book. I get to closely observe a very talented director get into the nitty gritty of creating a scene. I've learned so much in the past week it nearly rivals what I picked up with my degree.

I'm supposed to stage a reading to go up at the end of the month. But I still haven't got the script and therefore I don't know what I'd need for a cast. Mildly frustrating at least because of the delay as because I'm also hugely busy ASMing Midsummer. But it's forward progress and that's what I've been needing.

At home things are a mess. I haven't cleaned in what seems like years. Theoretically unemployment means I'll have time to clean but um... well, we'll see. And hope. I should clean. It'll help with a number of things.

I have some money to keep me for a little while. I can stand to bring in some more, depending on my fortune (which, I admit, is usually poor). So I'm not broke. but I should try to live like it in the event of an emergency. All I need is for my car to break or my health to crash again.... But I'm still thinking I may sign up with a courier group and over a few days when I can escape from the theatre I may be able to run off and see distant friends if there is a flight heading in their direction.

And that's more or less where I am. give or take. And stuff.

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