Something to Do Before I Die

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Listening: Year Zero, Nine Inch Nails

I know, I know, I was supposed to write a thing for the "soundtrack" to my life. I'll get to it...eventually.

First this from Mme Black:
1. Which bands/artists do you own the most albums by?
(and I'm not fixing the grammar on these questions. gah.) I would say this is unfair because some bands haven't put out many records... Anyway, I have a ton of Tori Amos and Nine Inch Nails because I insist (or at least I have in the past) on getting the full albums, b-sides, remixes, imports and more. I try not to waste money on duplicates but I'm bad at it.

2. What was the last song you listened to? "The Greater Good," NIN

3. What's in your CD player right now? Back to Black, Amy Winehouse, ani difranco, ani difranco, Year Zero, Nine Inch Nails

4. What was the last show you attended? Let's see the last show-show was the taiko drumming at Malediction this Sunday night past. If you mean a full concert then Nine Inch Nails with Bauhaus a year ago.

5. What was the greatest show you've ever been to? Goodness, how could I pick the best?? NIN with Bauhaus kicked goddamn ass, not in the least because I learned that night that Peter Murphy is a sex GOD and I would happily have his sex god babies. But there's also Tori's Dew Drop Inn show at the Greek where I sat in the FRONT ROW and Dead Can Dance at the Hollywood Bowl a couple of years ago. Thinking of any of these shows makes me stop and smile and think "aaawww yeah!"

6. What's the worst show you've ever been to? I dunno... overall if I've had a bad night I tend to tune it out/shrug it off. I only remember certain details that I disliked: People who talk through a show, feeling unwell/unhappy, awful sound. I do know that I won't ever go back to a concert at the Great Western Forum. I *LOVE* seeing Tool live, but their show was dragged down significantly by the awful acoustics up in the nosebleeds where we were stuck.

7. What's the most musically involved you have ever been?
I take this to mean when I've done anything to make music... From the fifth grade through my junior year in college I was either taking lessons or in the school band (theoretically both...) In high school I also was in a few musicals, but my contribution there was in the chorus.

8. What show are you looking forward to?
Midsummer! oh musically... em, They Might Be Giants and maybe Tori if certain folks managed to score tickets. (I sadly couldn't take care of it myself.) And possibly, hopefully, PJ Harvey.

10. What is your favorite band shirt?
Dead Can Dance }:>

11. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day? Peter Murphy! I can only hope I wouldn't be a useless puddle of fangirl goo.

12. Who is one musician or group you wish would make a comeback? gah just one... ok, Oingo Boingo. Because they are absolutely the least likely without being dead.

13. Who is one band/artist you've never seen live but always wanted to?
ok, I can't do just one here: Oingo Boingo, The Cure, Sisters of Mercy, Bjork, BB King, Blind Boys of Alabama, ani difranco, Lacuna Coil, Ruby... and then a whole bunch of people who are dead

14. Name 4 or MORE flawless albums:

(stol'n from Mme Black)
"Dummy" - Portishead
"Floodland" - The Sisters of Mercy
"The Downward Spiral" - Nine Inch Nails
"The Nightmare Before Christmas" soundtrack
and for good measure:
It'll End in Tears, This Mortal Coil
10,000 Maniacs MTV Unplugged, 10,000 Maniacs
Salt Peter, Ruby
Dilate, ani difranco
4 Track Demos, PJ Harvey
Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea, PJ Harvey
Comalies, Lacuna Coil
Into the Labyrinth, Dead Can Dance
uno, dos: bandera, Control Machete
Spirit of the Century, Blind Boys of Alabama
Post, Bjork
Boys for Pele Tori Amos
From the Choirgirl Hotel, Tori Amos
Aenima, Tool
Frida (soundtrack)
Matrix (soundtrack)
Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits (I only have this CD and a boxed set, no albums, sadly)
Rattle and Hum, U2
Immortal Beloved (soundtrack)
And All that Could have Been Nine Inch Nails (live)
Battle of Los Angeles, Rage Against the Machine
LA Woman, The Doors
Lover's Rock Sade
All Ages, Bad Religion
Boingo, Oingo Boingo
eMotive, A Perfect Circle
Back to Black, Amy Winehouse

15. How many music related videos/DVDs do you own?
12 plus two or three DVDs that came with CDs, and the Toward the Within DVD that came with a DCD boxed set that is tragically lost...

16. How many concerts/shows have you been to, total?
Jesus Christ, I couldn't tell you how many times I've been to see Tori Amos, They Might be Giants or PJ Harvey individually and you want me to total them all? uh... several. Not as many as I'd like, but a few. I've also seen Tool, NIN, and 30 Seconds to Mars repeatedly. I've seen REM, Dead Can Dance, Evanescence, U2, Bauhaus, A Perfect Circle and Portisehead, once each.

17. Who have you seen the most live?
I listed the top three above. but I've probably seen Tori the most.

18. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
Frida... unless I can count the boxed set for Martin Scorsese Presents THE BLUES

19. What was your last musical "phase" before you wisened up?
eh? I was in musicals in high school and I didn't so much wise up as I stopped trying to be on stage when I realized I didn't like it very much and there are many, many better singers than I.

20.What's your "guilty pleasure" that you hate to admit to liking? I'm not embarrassed of anything I currently like. There are a couple of tapes I haven't touched in over a decade because I don't particularly care for them anymore and maybe I'd be chagrined if other people found them but... *shrug* I'm more embarrassed by the music I don't have yet.

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