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The Pope is a commie pinko
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Pope Benedict XVI showed his disdain for America and its troops on Easter Sunday as the Bush-hating pseudo-Pelosi said "nothing positive comes from Iraq."

Enough, Benedict. The only reason nothing good comes from Iraq is because you're not looking hard enough. Sure, thousands of Americans, Iraqis and soldiers from various other countries have lost their lives, but plenty of good things are being accomplished in Iraq. I mean, there must be, because the president and his cohorts keep telling us it's so. And despite the fact that his entire administration is surrounded by dishonesty and secrecy (leaking the name of a CIA agent to discredit a war critic and then lying about it, firing prosecutors and then lying about it, etc...), he's the president so we should trust him.

We're staying until we've accomplished what we set out to accomplish, Benedict. Which was to...find weapons of mass destruction? see Saddam Hussein hang? spark a civil war? inspire the continued creation of terror cells based upon our presence? Alright, truth be told, I'm not really sure what we're trying to do at this point, but I know this -- if we stick around long enough, someone will figure it out.

And if we announce that we are leaving Iraq to let the country form its own government, this would be a sign of weakness, presumably because it would send the message that with their dictator out of power, we think the Iraqis should be able to handle their own problems. And damnit, we're America, and we don't view anybody else as competent enough to handle their own problems. I mean, look, we don't have any problems over here -- not with crime, not with poor government spending, not with a corrupt political system where pandering to lobbyists gets you elected, not with inadequate health care, not with anything -- so we might as well take up other people's problems.

"Nothing positive?" Surely you jest, Benedict. I'm going to watch FOX News, then I'll be able to tell you all about it. Or maybe not so much about actual good news coming from Iraq, but at least about the incessant whining of people complaining about bad news. Yeah, that's the ticket.

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