Very Occasional Thoughts

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Ta-dah! A journal thing.
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Okay, I've got me a journal now. Woo!

I am tired. Tired, tired, tired. Had to get into work early today because of a project that's going on (union arbitrations), and had to stay late last night because the new admin assistant left before the VP returned, and I got stuck doing the job. So, here I am, working. Bleh.

Which, of course, is another point of rantitude. Worked for two years in the assistant position here, and was moved away from the desk twice. The first time, they hired someone for the spot, paid them $17K more a year than I was making, and they did less work. What work they did, was shoddy. I took the job over when that person was fired for being a drooling retard, at a bit higher than what my salary was prior, but not much. Now, I've been "promoted" to a new position (concentrating more on the database and information systems aspects of HR) which allows me to focus less on the menial secretarial foo I was doing (answering phones, typing letters, etc.), and a new person has been hired in to do that drudge work.

Again, at $15K more per year than I'm making.

I don't get it. I did that job _and_ the database work for two years, and I get paid a buttload less than a new person who's doing about a third of my former duties? What the _hell_ is up with that?

*sigh* I need a raise. Or a better job. Or to win the lottery and live out my days in filthy wealth. Preferably the last one.

On the plus side, it's Thursday, and that means only one more day before I get to actually relax a bit over the weekend. It should be a good one - Jen and I are celebrating our one-year anniversary (actually on the 10th, but she's in a final exam that day) by going to Benihana on Saturday night. Yum.

That's it for now. If my brain comes up with anything else exciting, and I actually get the time to type it in, it'll be here.

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