Very Occasional Thoughts

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Slightly more awake.

Well, this seems to be pretty standard on the journal pages I've seen. So, what the hell... here's mine.

Last time I...


This morning, when my boss walked in. It wasn't a happy smile, it was more of the practiced, professional smiles you put on when a boss walks into the room.

Last night, thanks to the Howard Stern show. They were chasing some guy with fish, and for some reason it was rather funny.

September 11.

-Bought something?
Bought a Whopper at Burger King last night.

I try to dance as little as possible. I think the last time I danced was when I went to a club with Jen and Al and Berek, and that was about half a year ago give or take.

-Were sarcastic?
I'm *never* sarcastic. ;)

-Kissed someone?
This morning, saying goodbye to my girlfriend.

-Hugged someone?
Once again, this morning.

-Talked to an ex?
Over e-mail about a week ago. It wasn't a long conversation, just getting a forwarding address for mail.

-Watched your favorite movie?
Gawd. It's been a while.

-Had a nightmare?
Last week. Not sure what it was about, but I remember waking up and just dreading going back to sleep for a while.

-Last book you read:
William Gibson's "Neuromancer".

-Last movie you saw:
"The One", last Saturday.

-Last phone number you called:
The Medical Staff office here in the Hospital.

-Last show you watched on TV:
The Howard Stern show. It's a guilty pleasure.

-Last thing you had to drink:
A can of Coke.

-Last time you showered:
This morning, at about 6:00.

-Last thing you ate:
A Whopper from Burger King. I sort of skipped breakfast this morning.

Do I...

1. Smoke?

2. Do drugs?

3. Have Sex?

4. Sleep with stuffed animals?
Yes, but they're not mine.

5. Have a crush?
I suppose you can say that. :)

6. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yup, Jen.

7. Have a dream that keeps coming back?
Not anymore. When I was a kid, I had the same nightmare every night for two weeks, and it really messed with me for a while.

8. Play an instrument?

9. Believe there is life on other planets?
There's gotta be. We can't be _it_.

10. Remember your first love?
I sure do.

11. Still love him/her?
Not really. She lives in Brooklyn, and we haven't even talked to each other in about five years. It's kind of slipped from "love" to "acquaintance".

12. Read the newspaper?
Not really... mostly check the news websites.

13. Have any gay or lesbian friends?
I sure do.

14. Is it possible to remain faithful forever?
It's possible. Difficult at times, but possible.

15. Do you Consider yourself tolerant of others?

17. Consider police a friend or foe?
A friend.

18. Like the taste of alcohol?
Not hard alcohol. However, I'm a sucker for Bailey's.

19. Believe in magic?
To an extent, yes.

20. Believe in God?
Yes, but not really any specific God. I think there's something or someone out there, but I'm honestly not quite sure I fall into any organized religion's view of him/her/it.

21. Have any secrets?
Yup. And I ain't telling.

22. Have any pets?

23. Do well in school?
Back when I was in school, I did pretty well.

24. Go to or plan to go to college?
Went already. Did my time.

25. Have a degree?
Sadly, no. USC decided to cut 75% of my financial aid senior year, and there was no way I could pay $18,000 a year out of pocket. I want to go back at some point, but with work and all it's seeming less and less feasible.

26. Talk to strangers who instant message you?
I rarely get strangers IM'ing me.

27. Wear hats?
Not really, unless it's really cold outside.

28. Have any piercings?
Ow. No.

29. Have any tattoos?

30. Hate yourself?
Not really. There are times I'm less than pleased with myself, but I don't think I hate myself.

31. Have a horny spot?
Yup. :)

32. Get horny easily?
Depends on the situation.

33. Have a best friend?
Yes, two. Jen and Stacy.

34. Wish on stars?
I've done so in the past.

35. Like your handwriting?
I barely ever write anything anymore... it's mostly typing. When I do write, it's okay, I guess.

36. Care about looks?
Somewhat. I don't want to look like a trash heap when I walk outside, but then again I don't preen myself for hours before going to the supermarket.

37. Believe in Satan?
Sure, why not.

38. Believe in ghosts?
Passively. I don't not believe in them.

39. Believe in Santa?
Sadly, no. Had that illusion shattered for me years ago. I like the concept, though, and I want a flying reindeer for myself.

40. Have a second family?
It's strange really... my friends seem to have become my first family out here, since my "real" family lives way back on the other coast.

41. Trust others easily?

42. Like sarcasm?
I enjoy it when it's well used.

43. Take walks in the rain?
Ugh, no. Wet.

44. Kiss with your eyes closed?

45. Sing in the shower?
Sometimes. Usually Sinatra.

46. Own handcuffs?

47. Have any scars?
One, on my head. Bricks and skulls do not mix, let me tell you.

That's it. More to come when I feel like it.

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