Very Occasional Thoughts

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Wow, it's been a while.

Okay, so here I am, posting again. Yeah, it's been over a month and a half, but I've had no time to actually put up an entry. My computer network at the Hospital doesn't allow me to connect to Journalscape (commie bastards), so I can't post from there, and at home I'm usually doing something with Jen.

Some of this stuff may be repetitive if you've been keeping up with my fiancee's journal, so bear with me.

First of all... I'm injured. And it's driving me out of my skull. I don't get sick or hurt too often, so that I'm actually somewhat injured is frustrating as all hell for me. I was stretching about a week and a half ago, when something in my lower back popped. As in, I audibly heard it go "pop". Now, I'm no med student, but I'm pretty sure backs aren't supposed to make that sort of noise. Apparently, I slipped a disk in my back and, even though it slipped right back in, it pulled all the muscles and ligaments out of whack back there. It's not as bad now as when it first happened (which knocked me flat on my back for an entire day), but I still get twinges of pain back there which force me to sit down for a bit. Gawd, I'm only 27, and I feel like a creaky old man.

Work is the same old grind. The Hospital I work at is going through what we like to call a "Reduction in Force" (also known as lay-offs), so a lot of my time has been taken up by trying to keep tabs of that stuff. Couple that with end-of-year evaluations for all 1,500 employees that I need to distribute, programming the computers to set up the pay increases for both unions within the next three months, and making sure the new employees are entered into the database correctly, and I'm *thisclose* to re-enacting a few scenes out of "Office Space".

Jen and I headed up to Solvang last weekend, and I swear it's got to be the prettiest place I've ever seen in my life. It's quaint, it's quiet, it's gorgeous, and I gained eight pounds eating my way from one side of the place to the other. mmMMmmMMmm... Danish food. It was an incredibly relaxing weekend, and I'm really looking forward to heading up there again. Jen and I are even considering going there for out honeymoon instead of New Orleans, as we originally planned... we're not much into either jazz music or getting wasted in seedy bars, nor do we enjoy the idea of being attacked by disease-carrying mosquitoes, so Solvang seems to be a much better choice.

And now for something completely different...

What's Your Anime Power?

Your anime power is the ability to call forth a hammer/mallet from out of nowhere and whack people with it. I'm kind of afraid to think about what your personality might be. Oh, this is right out of Ranma 1/2 if you were wondering. Akane used it.

Okay, I really need to be able to do this in real life.

That's it for now... send me comments! :)

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