Very Occasional Thoughts

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My wife, Jen
My brother, John
My sister, Ellen
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Stuff about me. Again.
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Jen got this from Nobody's page, and I figure it's been a while since I did one of these.


A - Act your age: I wish. I'm 28, and I wake up in the morning feeling much older. 28-year olds shouldn't creak.

B - Biggest pet peeve: Oh, I've got a few of 'em. Being interrupted while speaking is one of them, as are people doing things incorrectly when they really should know better.

C - Chore you hate: Cleaning out the cat litter boxes.

D - Dad's name: Charles.

E - Essential personal object: My wristwatch. I'm lost without it.

F - Favorite actor: I'd probably have to say Johnny Depp or John Cusack.

G - Gold or silver: Silver.

H - Hometown: Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY.

I - Instruments you play: None well. I can play very basic guitar and piano, but I never learned to read sheet music. Also played clarinet in a school band once, but I probably couldn't do anything more than make hideous screeching noises with it nowadays.

J - Job title: Human Resources Information Systems Specialist.

K - Kids: None. Have two cats, though, who are pretty darned close.

L - Living arrangements: Two-bedroom apartment in Studio City, with my wife and cats. The cats run the place, and tolerate us humans.

M - Mom's name: Linda.

N - Number of people you've slept with: Three.

O - Overnight hospital stays: Never, unless you count when I was born.

P - Phobia: Losing my memory. My memory is pretty crappy, and it scares the hell out of me. I also don't like big dogs.

Q - Quote you like: "For every ninja you don't see, there are three more you don't see either." The math on this is kind of staggering after a while.

R - Religious affiliation: Currently agnostic, although "Recovering Catholic" works as well.

S - Siblings: One younger brother (John, who is 26), and two younger sisters (Ellen will be 25 next month, and Donna is 18). There are a number of people I consider brothers and sisters who aren't actually related to me by blood, but I don't think that's what the question is asking for here.

T - Time you wake up? On a work day, my alarm is set for 6:30 in the morning. On the weekend, you're lucky to get me up by noon.

U - Unique habit: Walking everywhere. At least, I used to. I have a bus pass now. :)

V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: I don't think there are any vegetables that I will flat out not eat. I mean, I eat lima beans and brussels sprouts. Everything else is like candy in comparison.

W - Worst habit: Forgetting things.

X - X-rays you've had: Not a whole lot. My finger once when I fractured it, more recently my back when something went *pop* inside it... I think that's it.

Y - Yummy food you make: I'm told I make a bad-ass pasta sauce.

Z - Zodiac Sign: Aries.

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