Very Occasional Thoughts

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'Cause waking up is hard to do...
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The last two days have been rough ones, especially in the "getting my ass out of bed in the morning" department. Work has been absolutely insane lately, and I'm usually on the verge of exhaustion by Wednesday as a result of it. Yesterday, being Thursday and all, means I was probably past my exhaustion point.

I woke up yesterday morning - I'm still not sure how - and rolled over to see what time it was on my alarm clock, and if I could maybe get a few minutes more sleep. It took my eyes a minute or so to focus, but when they did, I didn't like what I saw. It looked something like:

[ 8:30 ]

You thought coffee woke you up in the morning? Try looking at an alarm clock that's telling you that you have just woken up half an hour after you should have been at work. Wide awake instantly, although I unfortunately woke Jen up with the expletive I shouted. I got out of the house before 9, but - wouldn't you know it - the Red Line was having issues (something about a train breaking down on one track, and all the other trains taking turn routing onto the other track to get around it). I didn't get into work until a little before 10.

Jen tells me she heard my alarm go off, but I shut it off. I don't remember anything before waking up in a panic... no alarm, no shutting it off, no nothing. Part of the problem, I think, may stem from the fact that we recently got a new nightstand for my side of the bed, so the alarm clock is closer to me now and I can just reach over and shut it off. Before, it was balanced on something in the corner of the room, meaning I had to actually, physically get out of bed and walk over there to turn it off. So, I moved it to the far end of the nightstand, which is out of reach for me. Good idea, right?


This morning, I heard my alarm go off. I got up, swung my feet out of bed (because, well, I had to in order to reach the alarm) and stepped down to go and turn the annoying beeping off.

It was right about that time I realized my left foot was still asleep - completely, totally numb. I lost my balance when I put pressure on it and it slid on the carpet straight forward into the wall, toes-first. About a quarter of the toenail on my big toe was completely folded back, and when I ended up in a seated position (again, managing to wake my wife up... sorry Jen!) I just gave up and yanked the clock's plug out of the wall.

Some days, it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.

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