The Hitchhiker's Guide
To The Life And Luck of Thea Rivera

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You blink, and you miss something
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So I had an early start yesteday morning, to fix some problems with the game site. My day started early, regardless of the fact that I was out till late (watched Final Destination 2, but it doesn't seem appropriate to discuss it right now), and stayed up for a while after that.

I went to the doughnut shop after putting in a couple of hours of work, and while I was there the guy had the news on. The newscasters were discussing the space shuttle Challenger, so I figured that it was an anniversary or something. It didn't even occur to me that there would have been any other reason to be discussing the space shuttle, and it didn't even occur to me that that was probably the only time that TV in that doughnut shop was on an english station.

I was on the computer, back and forth online, all day long yesterday. Afterwards, I sat in front of Back to the Future with the boys. Even with three loudish guys around, and a movie running, I couldn't stay awake through the movie. I would have gone to bed, but I really wanted to see the second one which we were going to watch afterwards. I kinda dozed through that one, but not as bad. I went to bed shortly aftewards.

I couldn't believe that I missed out on such terrible news and was oblivious all day to it. I hadn't noticed until I saw articles about it this morning.

And to think that I remember exactly where I was when the Challenger fell. I was sitting in Misty's class, in the 2nd grade, because her teacher was related to the teacher on the Challenger, so it was a big thing...

Recess came earlier than usual, and Misty's class was under a sub for the rest of the day...

I really don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. It's tragic. I'm shocked. It's so very very sad...

I remember when Challenger happened, the number of kids who "wanted to be an astronaut when they grew up" dropped significantly. Before that, it was very common. It grew more and more uncommon as the years went by and todays children know nothing about the space program, and today's parents have forgotton. The space program has been hit once again, who knows what will happen. (wow, it's difficult to sound encouraging about the space program without sounding downright callous as to what happened yesterday)

Now, I wasn't one of those kids. I wanted to be a "computer programmer" when I grew up. But it still shows that there was a facination for technology.

Okay, not sure what tangent I was going on with that one but the thought was fleeting and is gone, moving on...

I guess what I wanted to say, without sounding insensitive, is that in a world where Science Fiction is everywhere, and our entertainment comes from space stories, I don't want our efforts to start going backwards.


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