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Neil Gaiman as quoted by moonchylde (lj username, and I haven't a clue who they are but we have some of the same friends) From the SF Gate
An American Snotwad In London
Print advertisements for the like, totally hella lame like, teen comedy "What a Girl Wants" originally featured a photograph of annoying perky teen star Amanda Bynes wearing a tank top with an American flag on it and flashing the peace sign with her fingers as she stands between two British royal guards, mostly because that's just about the level of cleverness movie studios can come up with these days, which is to say, mind-numbing and sad. But with the war in Iraq sparking anti-war protests everywhere, Warner Bros. quickly changed the ad, fearing the peace sign would be viewed as a political message, because this is pretty much the level of intelligence and nuance in the culture right now, sufficient to generate an actual fear that someone somewhere might would see the promo poster for yet another inane teen flick and see the peace sign and get all riled and miffed and tizzy-like and refuse to let her daughters go see the movie cuz of those goddamn liberal Hollywood types, along with the sad idea that there is actually an extant miniscule intellectually stupefied segment of the population who actually possess the mental acumen to notice or care one whit about the implied political message of teen movie posters, you've got to be f--king kidding me, enough to scare a big dumb movie studio into spending thousands to change the ad, is quote possibly one of the sadder and more depressing commentaries on the culture since Bush misunderestimating nukuler impotecies.

I was trying to find the actual quote in one of his journals or something, but failing to do so, I got to reading the journal (which has a lot of answers to questions he is asked) and saw his link to the following, interpretation as to what a Red Alert would mean as opposed to yellow or orange. At least in New Jersey.

It makes one wonder what would happen to LA.

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