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To The Life And Luck of Thea Rivera

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Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend...
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.

Well, I didn't intend to spend a lot of money yesterday but I wound up doing so. The 3rd volume of the MST3K DVD collections just came out and well, I just had to get it. I also picked up "Mitchell" because I hadn't seen it, and Erik said it is the one where Joel left and Mike showed up. I also picked up "Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter" because well, sometimes you just HAVE to check something out, like a train wreck. Went to see "House of 1,000 Corpses" after work. It wasn't great, it was pretty gory, but not scary. I wanted scary. There was one cool scene in it, and the scene was very effective without being gory or graphic. I reccomend this movie to those of you who like slasher movies and B films, and who have a strong stomach. If you want to see something scary, this is creepy, but nothing spectacularly shocking.

*happy sigh* I was up till after midnight doing them, but my taxes are complete and in the mail. I was procras- (I'll finish that word later) because I figured I could submit them online really quickly. Unfortunately, when I started to do so, it kept asking me for info from last years taxes so that it could submit them properly. Then, I has to try to locate last year's stuff, and failing in doing so, just calculated and printed them out, and sent them via post today. Woo hoo! They're done.

I was hoping to be done with the finale for the game site, but one thing led to another, and things kept breaking, so I had to pospone that. The grand finale should be done tomorrow afternoon, even if I have to stay up all night trying to get it to work. I know I have a whole community of ARG players frustrated at me, but there's really not a lot that I can do about it except try to keep at least my promise that a finale will happen Wednesday.

Pseudo-camping and gaming last weekend went well. Ventura was nice, although I'd like to spend a day just wandering around the town, because it's an old little downtown and looked really cool. The game went well, a bit longer than I had hoped, as I still had people at my place past midnight Sunday night.

I'm likely not getting to the gym until tomorrow, but really need to get back into the swing of things. I was doing really well but then, between getting sick and late nights at the office, I got out of the habit of going. I've been lazy with my morning yoga, haven't done it for a while, and I can really tell the difference. I totally sacked out on the bus on the way to work today. Most of the time I'll snooze for a little while, but will read or write the majority of the trip.

Happy Birthday Kenny! I hope you haven't gotten too old to play with toys. (Although you probably won't know what I am talking about just yet, you soon will)

Well, have to re-activate some accounts who decided to pay their back balances.

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