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"Thank you for the dadaist pep talk, I'm feeling much more abstract now."
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So, after coming in late catching the last 5 minutes of "The Prophecy" playing on the small TV here at work, catching a bit of standup comedy, setting up a few shared server accounts and faxing (in the world of email and automation, they need a fucking fax) more orders to billing so they can run the credit card info, I sat and watched the first episode of season 4 of Buffy (they're watching the second episode as I write this)

I'm so frustrated with work right now. I can't keep people busy because there is nothing to keep them busy with. They are logged in to phones, but the phones aren't very busy. They solve what they can and escalate occaisional things to tier 2 when appropriate, but tier 2 is sitting and watching Buffy right now, along with their boss. Now, I fault noone for sitting around, it's simply where we are at now.

I also think I'm in some kind of funk as far as job hunting. I'm not feeling qualified for anything I'm seeing, and things that I see that I feel I'm qualified for pay dick. I'm kinda okay with my resume, but won't know whether it is effective until I use it more and see what happens. All of the articles I read online about resumes have conflicting viewpoints. Grrr!

I've got so many job-type books at the house, I've lined up a few of them, even carry one with me. Hoping for some insight. Between those and online articles, I'm drowing in info.

Speaking of books, I think I found the perfect thing for Erik, who blows through a good novel every few days. It's like Netfliks, or realistically, an online library. You choose a book, they send it to you, you read it, and you send it back.

Okay, I finally got a response to the orders so now have orders to set up.

Yay! Something to do.

And I dare any of you to say "gee, wish I had a job where I was doing nothing" because you really, really don't want to have one like this. Really.

On the other side of my life...

Can't wait to go to "The Producers" in exactly one week. It's going o be cool... I hope. Even if it isn't as great as New York's performance, I'm sure it will still be fabulous. The following week is "42nd Street" and then that's it for my subscription tickets.

I'm still bummed about missing Cyndi Lauper and Meat Loaf Friday, but I'll make it.

I did have fun last night in the scenes that were ran, even though it did mean missing karaoke and getting home late. Elisa is a great ST for werewolf.

But honestly, I need to spend way, way less time gaming. I'm not getting anything else done. I'm not even as involved as a lot of other people, and only run one game a month myself. It's a time drain though.

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