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Why its a mad mad mad mad world
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*sigh* (yeah, I know, it's not a real mood)

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I swear, if I get another piece of spam selling t-shirts for "The Governator" I am going to scream.


What a week. I swear, everyone has flipped while I wasn't looking somehow. This week, at work, a number of things have happened:

I thought I was going to get laid off Monday, but instead I got a new boss. I've spoken to him almost every day this week, which is a grand improvement over the past month or so where I spoke to my old boss a grand total of once. I have been told that my group is not seen as being long term, yet I was also told that we can be here for at least till the end of the year. So, even though there's communication, I'm still in no way closer of having a clue as to what is going on. I found out today that one of my employees now reports to someone else, and is now on an expedited project to consolidate support and billing systems. Of course, no one told me that he works under someone else, but they told him. *screams* WTF! Also, this week, we've had a network outage, which took almost an entire day for the "help desk" to figure out and they only "figured it out" after it "fixed itself." This morning, we had DNS servers go down and shared servers go down, and the people at the data center repeatedly fuck with the wrong machines. LA should not have to call Boston to make sure that they know which machine to fix in the Boston location. grr.

Customers this week have once again proven that although technology continues to move forward, end user competence lags ever behind. And I've never seen so many customers be so determined that they know everything about worms and viruses, but are in fact terribly misinformed and misunderstanding of the simple technologies around them.

Dear God, I'm ranting way too much about work.
So, that's the insanity of work. Outside of work, the world around me continues to not make sense.

Stories of today:
A Lawsuit of Mass Proportions No idea what they expect to achieve out of this one. can you really sue an entire subset of society?

Also, I was beside myself after watching the Daily Show several times this week with current events. For instance, the chaos that is the California governor elections, the stupid things that Davis says to try to save his ass, and the stupid things that Bush says to pretend like he knows what the hell is going on, and the chaos that is the Texas state senators who brought legislation to a standstill by fleeing to OK, and now to New Mexico, and the federal "Homeland Security" resources that were being used to track them down (via GPS)and bring them back. *shakes head*

This weekend, there's a werewolf game, and unfortunately, even though I usually look forward to these games, there's been so much in the way of drama going on with that group that I'm really beginning to become exhausted of the whole scenario. I hope the game is fun and that it does not deteriorate into a gob of suck like it did last time. (I know, "gob of suck" makes no sense, but you weren't there, surrounded by the suck, there's nothing else to describe it) Here's to Thea's unending optimism.

There were some good points of the week though. I bought Chicago and Deathtrap and watched some cool stuff. Freddy Vs. Jason was neat, exactly what I expected, 8-Mile, The Hitcher, and Nip/Tuck were among the programming of the week, all of which were enjoyed.

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