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Interview of a Kenny
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I asked, and I received. Here are interview answers for Kenny

The Rules

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions, I get to pick the questions
3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions

1) What was the craziest thing you were able to pull off by secretly switching places with your twin Misty?

There were a couple of times that we switched classes, and those were a bit nerve wracking because the students could eventually tell and they did not know how to be quiet/subtle/clever. Those teachers must have been REALLY oblivious. I don't recall switching for any tests or anything terribly clever as far as school, but I do know that I was pretty frickin nervouse when I was sitting in her class with probably the meanest teacher ever. We switched on my old boyfriend Patrick. Gosh, I know there are at least a couple of really cool specific incidents that I'm just not thinking of. Maybe it's because I'm at work, and it's sucking at my soul.

2) What are your long term plans for theatre?

Long term plan for theater is to be directly running an established production company in a way that works well, with limited frustration. I would like to put on some great productions that stay up for extended periods of time and get known. Read: I wanna be famous, prolly, but not exactly "on stage famous" I'm not counting on making a lot of money off of it, but I'd like to showcase some very fine work that I have seen. I think the main thing that drives me to do this is that good productions are so fleeting at the theater I'm currently at, two week runs of a full cast of hard working and talented actors. It's exciting while it is happening, then sad when it's gone. I also hate seeing actors pay just to be seen for two weeks. The going rate for co-op theater at my current theater is I think 320 or so for a two week show. People pay this, and then find themselves doing a show that may or may not have been promoted well. I want to provide them better opportunities.

3) Did you get anything good out of growing up as a Jehovah's Witness?

I think so, though mine wasn't typical of many full JW households, as my Dad was not one. I think I learned a lot about being patient, being selfless, and not being spoiled. I think I have carried a lot of good traits into adulthood that I may have encountered differently had I not grown up a Jehovah's Witness. Patience comes from waiting and being prepared for bad things to come on a consistant basis.

I know I learned how to speak with strangers better by going door to door, but since that time, I think I have done a better job at relating to strangers on a different level, not just impersonally making a presentation.

Having grown up around a lot of blind faith, and a lot of "just have faith" answers, I think I have become more skeptical and analytical. I want reasons behind answers and reasons why someone does something or believes something, even from myself.

4) What is the secret to being a Karaoke goddess?

Belt it! Don't be shy! It took me a long time to actually get the hang of singing, I mean really singing, at karaoke. I never thought of myself as a shy person, but there is a big difference as far as how much I let out my voice between then and now. Belt it belt it belt it. Oh, and move your body. If you hold your body rigid, your voice will stay rigid too. Dance, shake the ass, etc.

Know what you want to sing, try to be a little prepared, but don't worry too much about whether you know the song, cause the words are, like, right there and stuff. :)

And when all else fails, pick an entirely impossible song to sing and have fun with it. Nothin says adrenaline like trying to figure out where Eminem breathes during Lose Yourself.

5) It has been many years since we were an item. What was the most beneficial thing that you learned about life, relationships, and everything when we were dating (or learned after the fact based on our experiences while dating)?

One of the big things that the relationship taught me, is that in the long run, honesty is valued more than spared feelings.

I learned that when trying to cushion something, anything, with half truths or flowery explanations, it is being unfair to both parties. I know that I did this on several occaisions and it only led to trouble, and more cusioning, and downhill from there. I also learned that leaving out details of something going wrong until it can be used as leverage is sometimes thought of as easy, but really is emotional blackmail.

I also have learned that there is a delicate balancing when you are trying to make a relationship work while trying to also figure out who you also are as your own person. Sometimes there's more growing up and figuring out oneself that needs to be done than one realizes at the time.

And finally, I learned that one can grow up a lot, but never have to really "grow up" and that humor is what life is made of. :)

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