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To The Life And Luck of Thea Rivera

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Da Bus, and Other Random News
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I've done some healthy choices already today, but will wait till my big decision is completed, to walk as far as I can down Santa Monica before catching the regular bus, before journalling everything for today.

Ah... my bus. My friend and my foe. With you I can take a little nap, or read a book, or write some stuff (need to do this more) and before I know it, I'm at my stop for work or home. Sometimes you are pleasent, a welcomed air-conditioned environment on a hot day, or shelter from the rain and cold. There are friendly drivers, some who talk more than others, and some who simply smile when you say thank you, as I always tend to do. I have made friends on my busses. I have learned about the people who travel around my city, all thanks to you, dear bus... But sometimes dear bus, you really piss me the fuck off. Like the drivers who drive too fast and brake too hard, making me feel like I am holding on for dear life. Or what the hell was with yesterday, my bus, when all I wanted to do was doze, yet between the couple having sex in the back seat, and the three "vatos" tagging all over the place with paint markers, and then huffing the paint markers, found I could not. Huh bus? What was that all about? The bus driver who was wearing an iPod, and could care less about the goings on, and barely stopped long enough for people to enter and exit... Dear bus, we need to come to an understanding, or I will be forced to get my fucking license ang get my car and shall never speak to you again. There!

In other news, I have a lot of stuff to do this weekend. I have a theater meeting with folks on Sunday, and I only have the beginnings of a business plan that needs to already be a convincing first draft. I need to get web holsting finalized and purchased, and I need to get out logo done.

I've got a game on Saturday, and some applications that I have to make sure are in for my character in the game. I want to see a movie at the theater badly, it's been a few weeks and I'm totally having withdrawls.

And I think I am going to be spending some time at finding which of these tools will help me get more organized and get things with the company and myself all set up finally. Check it out, there's a bunch of stuff to play with.

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