Plain Banter
. . . lies about science fiction, and everything else.

When the writer becomes the center of his attention, he becomes a nudnik. And a nudnik who believes he's profound is even worse than just a plain nudnik. -- Isaac Bashevis Singer
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Test of Faith

There's a video for sale here that's pretty funny. No, I haven't actually seen the video, and can't see paying for this sort of thing, but the description makes me laugh. The story's protagonist is a student and devout believer in creationism, but his mean professor requires him to write a scientific paper on evolution. What will he do? What will he do?

Guess what the mean professor's name is. Why, he's "Dr. Heinlein." Old Doc Heinlein, the villain of the story for requiring the hero student to acknowledge that the Earth and the creatures on it have been here longer than 10,000 years. Imagine that. The sacrilegious bastard!

And just this evening, there appeared a review on that site by one Holly Jones (coincidently the same name as the protagonist of the Heinlein story "The Menace From Earth") which seems to praise the video. Or is it making fun of it? I can't tell, as Ms Jones' review is somewhat confusing. A lot of the quotes she references seem to be from the Heinlein I know, not the mean Doc Heinlein in the video. I wonder if that review will stay up very long before someone at the website decides it's not what it's supposed to be and removes it.

Another thing that's interesting about the video, but probably only to me, is the fact that Doc Heinlein, as shown on the video's box, looks exactly like my brother-in-law. I already pointed it out to him, and he got a chuckle out of it, too.

Do people really buy this stuff? Well, of course some of them must. But it's only offered in VHS, not DVD, so apparently this one's not going to evolve any further. Survival of the fittest and all that, right, Doc?

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