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STSpecial Report: Battle For Fallujah
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STSpecial Report:

The Battle For Fallujah.

From ST’s New York World News Headquarters in New York, here is Connie Chung.

CC: Good evening and welcome to this ST Special Report: The Battle For Fallujah. I’m Connie Chung in New York.
Months after the President declared “Mission Accomplished” the war rages on and the death count continues to rise. The latest battleground in war torn Iraq is one of the most holy cities on earth: Fallujah, in the Southern quadrant of the scarred country.
A few days ago a fragile cease fire was called by the coalition forces and the primitive Sunni extremists who are holding the city against the will of the freedom starved citizens of this sprawling city. Since then The Coalition Of The Willing have bombarded the Sunni’s with Air Attacks and limited ground fire. The Pentagon says this is not a break in the cease fire but only sporadic limited shows of force against the insurgents that have fired on American, pardon, coalition, troops.

ST is the only American news organization with an imbed reporter right in the middle of the fighting and dying in Fallujah. We will get to Sunny Bright in a moment, first here is our analyst, Doctor Henry Kissinger.

Good morning Doctor Kissinger.

HK: Good afternoon Connie Chung. It’s a pleasure to be here today.

CC: Thank you doctor. Doctor Kissinger, is this the way to win this messy war?

HK: Vell Connie, it’s too early to say, so far it’s not working, but if we change course now, like vee did in Viet Nam, vee von’t vin. And the fragile loosing will be reversed into an outright failure.

CC: So you are saying we should stay the course for victory.

HK: Vell, Connie, ve have two ways to go, von is a slow painful defeat, de utter is a fast decisive loss.

CC: Doctor, is there a way to win?

HK: Vell, my little chickadee, in my days in da White House, vee had tree scenarios for failure. Von vus to do vhat we did, two vas do keep fighting and dying until literally no one was left, dat was my favorite plan, and two blow everybody to hell. I don’t think dis president thinks about a turd plan.

CC: Tank, er, thank you doctor.

HK: Yes.

CC: Now lets go to bloody carnage on the ground in war torn Fallujah, Iraq LIVE. Sunny Bright, imbedded with the troops, can you hear me? It’s Connie Chung in New York.

KB: It’s KELLY, Connie, and yes I can hear you.

CC: Sorry, Kelly. About the name thing, sorry. What’s happening there on the ground in Fallujah, LIVE?

KB: Connie, as I sit here amidst the blood soaked troops looking out at the waste land that was a part of this city….

CC: Kelly, what’s happening LIVE right now?

KB: I’m getting to that Connie, there is a short break in the fighting now. There has been fighting most of the night with American planes and fierce ground fighting. Many of the men in this squad have been injured and one American soldier has died.

CC: So is the cease fire holding, or have the Sunni’s broken the truce?

KB: What? I don’t know who broke it first, but we’ve been fighting all night. Everywhere I look there are twisted body parts and destruction. From here it doesn’t look like a cease fire at all. It’s hell on earth.

CC: So the coalition forces been waiting for word to resume the fight against the few extremist Sunni warlords who have caused this battle?

KB: Few? It seems as though everybody here hates Americans….

CC: We have lost our live line.
Well there is a picture of a cease fire and coalition troops doing what they can to fight the bloody, godless, cleric’s reign of terror in Fallujah.

I’m Connie Chung. We will be back whenever news breaks on this developing story of liberation. For now I’m Connie Chung and for all of us at ST News, I’m Connie Chung, see you later.


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