Silly Thinking

*with Jim Farris*

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Marlon Brando
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Marlon Brando


Brad Pitt!

Bob Woodward!

Musical guest: Salome!

With DJ Jazzy X Goldstein!

I’m Len Peltier.

And now our own Washington Insider! MARLON BRANDO!!!!!

MB: Bona Sera dear ones, bona sera. Thank you dear sweet unwashed. Thank you, thank you.
Alright that’s enough.
Welcome to our show. I am you humble host, Marlon Brando, and this is our show.
Hello Mister Peltier.

LP: Mister Brando, hello!

MB: DJ something, how are you?

DJX: Very well Mister Brando, very well.

MB: When the hell did you get here?

DJX: I’ve been on the show for about a month now.

MB: What the hell are you anyway?

DJX: I’m a DJ.

MB: Are you a robot or something? I can’t tell what the hell you are.

DJX: I am a DJ.

MB: Len. what the hell is that? Is it human or something else?

LP: Ha ha ha! Yes! I don’t know sir. Yes!

MB: Creepy.

LP: Yes! Creepy. Yes!

MB: Sometimes I wonder about you too chemosabe.

LP: Ha! Yes!

MB: Creepy. Brad Pitt.

BP: Hi. Hello. Thank you. Hi Len, Mister Brando, a pleasure.

MB: Oh my God in Heaven. Look how pretty you are.


BP: Oh. I…

MB: Shut up with that modesty thing. My God in Heaven your just cuter when you do that.

BP Thanks.

MB: Geez you’re the prettiest man. You know I used to get that.

BP: I know. You in “The Wild One” or “Streetcar”, come on, you got all of us beat.

MB: Yeah. I was raw you know. I was just out of New York. I was raw.

BP: Raw and sexy and so good. You’re the reason I wanted to be an actor. You inspired me.

MB: Shucks.

BP: Now you shut up with that modesty thing. Your great.

MB: Ahh nuts.

BP: It’s true.

MB: All right. You got me. I like you kid, you got balls. He’s got balls right Len?

LP: Balls. Yes!

MB: Now, Brad Pitt, you're married to a “Friend”. Was she on my show last week? We had the “Friends” on.

BP: No. She was the only one who wasn’t on. I’m married to Jennifer Anniston and she was really pissed off she couldn’t be on your show.

MB: She’s not that Lisa Kudrow is she? I wanted to belt her.

BP: No, Jennifer Anniston.

MB: I don’t remember her. Which one is she?

BP: She’s Jennifer Anniston, really beautiful brunette. But she wasn’t here. She was really upset.

MB: I don’t remember her. I don’t think she was here.

BP: I don’t think so.

MB: Yeah, well maybe it will come to me. Now Bradley Pitt you got a new movie, something?

BP: Yeah. It’s called “Troy”. It’s a big costume epic based on the “Iliad” by Homer and the Helen of Troy myth.

MB: Helen of Troy. The face that launched a thousand ships?

BP: Yeah that’s the deal.

MB: Who are you in this deal?

BP: I play Achilles.

MB: Achilles heal? That Achilles?

BP: Yeah, in fact I actually injured my Achilles heal while I was making this thing.

MB: Weird. That’s weird. Movies are weird aren’t they?

BP: They are weird.

MB: Weird. I remember when I was making “The Mutiny On The Bounty” in ’61. We were shooting in the south seas on a real island. And it was taking forever, you know storms and delays. And I got temperamental. Some times I do that. I get a little cranky. Do you get cranky Pitt?

BP: Well, we shot with storms and wars and all kind of delays and sometimes you get a little cranky with the waiting and stuff.

MB: Yeah well, so one day I’m snuggled up under a mango tree, and I’m dressed like this sissy, you know how they dressed? And I shake the tree and a mango falls on my head. So I pick it up and I start eating it. And I think: here I am, a man on an island eating a mango. I mean it’s simple, and yet I look around and a hundred people are there and all this equipment and crap. Yet I shook the tree, a mango fell out of the thing and I ate it. Changed my life.

BP: Oh man. That is so true. I mean, wow, that is truth.

MB: Of course. Bob Woodward.

BW: Hello Brad, hello Mister Brando.

MB: Woodward. Like Joanne Woodward?

BW: Yes.

MB: Are you related to Paul Newman?

BW: No.

MB: Oh you’re not. So, which one are you. Redford or Hoffman?

BW: It’s amazing how often that come up…

MB: Pitt, you look like Redford. A young beautiful Redford.

BP: Yeah we worked together. He directed me once. He’s like a father to me.

MB: You guys could be father and son, I mean you do look alike.

BP He’s great.

MB: so anyway, Woodward, which one are you, Newman or Redford?

BW: You mean Hoffman or Redford?

MB: Don’t put words in my mouth. Is that how you write these things?

BW: I’m sorry, I was correcting you. My bad.

MB: I’m clowning with you Bobby. Come on, lighten up.

BW: Sorry.

MB: Well, for the love of God, are you going to answer the question or not?

BW: Your talking about “All The President’s Men” and I was played by Robert Redford.

MB: Oh my God in Heaven. You're kidding?

BW: No.

MB: I’m going to ask our director to do me a favor. Take a shot of Pitt.


MB: now Woody here…


MB: Ladies and gentlemen, is this father and son? No way. No way.

BW: Well…

MB: You were robbed Bobby. You got screwed over along the way. Good night!

LP: Marlon Brando is a Jim Far, Mar Bran, Doug Wug, Harpo Productions Production.
Mister Brando’s wardrobe by Kenmore. This blog was recorded.


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