Silly Thinking

*with Jim Farris*

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SPECIAL EXTRA-Doug's Review of Fahrenheit 9/11
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Last week Silly Thinker Jim Farris and I agreed to attend Michael Moore's new documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 during the opening weekend. Jim came along with my son Benjamin and me for Harry Potter 3 on its opening weekend, so it seemed only natural that Jim and I attend this other summer blockbuster together as well. We decide that today, Saturday, June 26th was our day to see Moore's materpiece.

Now I'm back from the theatre and I thought I'd give you my review of what we saw.

Fahrenheit 9/11 was sold out, so we decided to check out a feature in another part of town. At the Avalon Theater and Video Arcade admission to Scooby Doo 2 was only $2. We could see the picture and still afford to play a few rounds of Street Fighter and get a slice of pizza after.

Taking the No. 15 bus to 32nd and Belmont on a weekend meant that I had the choice to either be early or late, so I arrived at the theater 20 minutes early. Jim wasn't there yet so I just wandered around a bit, taking in the various store fronts on Belmont, and choosing a store named Spoink. Spoink is a novelty gift shop and I found many amusing things to distract myself while I wait for the time when Jim would be sure to have arrived, and we could purchase our tickets and buy popcorn and all of that.

This was an amusing item. Also I tried pressing the button for a farting phone and examined a few funny postcards, but they didn't have any jackalope cards.

Soon enough it was 2:15pm and time to go into the theatre. I met up with Jim and we both agreed that we would probably discover a great many similarities between the two films, and that Scooby Doo 2 was a fine replacement picture.

After the movie started I was struck by one fact right away.

I want to sleep with Linda Cardellini.

Okay, there was some other stuff in the movie too, like the big computer animated Scooby who managed not to be nearly as annoying as you might think such a creature would be, and a really spacey Matthew Lillard as Shaggy, and he was funny occassionally. There were a few drug references that made me laugh.

Oh and Peter Boyle was in it, and I like Peter Boyle because Boyle used to hang out with John Lennon.

It was a pretty inoffensive picture, not horrible or anything. The one thing I know for sure after seeing it is that the Bush Administration is terrible; they're a bunch of fascist thugs. Oh, and Velma is hot!

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