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*with Jim Farris*

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Remembering "The Marlon Brando Show"
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Remembering "The Marlon Brando Show".

Continuing our week long look back, here is a program that originally ran February 5th, 2004.

From Hollywood!

It's a special Thursday edition of "The Marlon Brando Show", starring Marlon Brando!

Marlon's guest's tonight...

The singer at the center of the Superbowl controversy, Justin Timberlake!

Silly Thinking founder and acclaimed writer Douglas Lain!

and the USC Marching Band!

With Sy Henderson and The Marlon Brando Orchestra!

I'm Leonard Peltier.

And now a man who would never show his breasts in public...MARLON BRANDO!!!

MB: Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you.
Wow! Good evening. Thank you.
I'm a little pissed off tonight. I gotta bone to pick with these weasels at Silly Thinking.
Hi, Len.

LP: Yes!

MB: Yeah good. Glad to hear it. Look, were here doing our little show, right Len?

LP: Yes!

MB: Yeah, and we were on Fridays and we did very well on Fridays, didn't we Leonard?

LP: Yes. Yes sir. Yes.

MB: Alright chemosabe calm down. So we did good and they moved our show to Tuesdays. We took over the spot with that Celebrity something and we did OK.

LP: Yes!

MB: Don't start.


MB: Then they pre-empted us for Chung and her dog and pony show about the elections and now were on Thursday and were going to be on for a couple of Thursdays before they stick our show someplace else.
Look Silly Thinking, your killing me here. Just put an arrow in my chest.

LP: ALRIGHT! YES! Yes sir! Yes!

MB: Yeah I thought you'd like that Tonto. Look! Quit moving my show around! I don't like it and I'm going to ask that Wouggly guy about this when he gets out here.

MB: Justin Timberwolf.

JT: Yeah dog! Whazzit! Hi!

MB: Timberwolf. You been here before but I don't remember that.

JT: Yeah. Timberlake, I'm Justin Timberlake.

MB: I didn't ask you you're name.

JT: Right. But you called me Timberwolf...

MB: You know when they chop a tree down they yell 'Timber'!?

JT: Yeah.

MB: In the forest?

JT: Yeah, they chop down a tree and yell timber.

MB: Well, punk! That's what I'm going to yell when I knock you down right here. Right now.

JT: I'm sorry, Mister Brando.

MB: Punk! Little punk. When were you on before?

JT: I was on one of your test shows before you went on the air.

MB: Ha ha. I remember. I scared you and you ran away to Momma like a little fairy or something.

JT Hey, don't say that.

MB: 'Hey don't say that' boo hoo. Fairy. Be a man Timberwolf.

JT: Uhh well..

MB: You ruined the Superbowl.

JT: Now wait a minute.

MB: 'Now wait a minute'. Baby. Little whiney baby.

JT: I didn't ruin the superbowl, bro.

MB: Bro? What the hell are you Ralph Bunch? Bro. Hey I got news for you Timberland you ain't black my brother. Know what I mean?

JT Yes...

MB: And if you talk jive to me any more I'm going to bitch slap you the way your little girlfriend Spearhead did. Got me? Punk?

JT: Hey, don't talk about her.

MB: That's right be a man!

JT: Hey, I'm...

MB: What? Are you going to take me on? Pussy.

JT: Oh man, you're scaring me again.

MB: Ohh, Boo Hoo! Little baby boy. Get out of here. Go poop your pants on Oprah. You little shit. Go on get out!

MB: Douglas Lain.

DL: Thank you. Hello.

MB: What the hell is going on with my show?

DL: I don't have anything to do with scheduling anymore.

MB: You guys keep moving me and I'm sick of it.

DL: I can understand that. I'd be upset to if I were you. Talk to Jim Farris or one of the suits at the network Marlon. I can't help you on this.

MB: You're marvelous.

DL: Oh. Well. Thank you.

MB: You are a very sweet man.

DL: Thanks.

MB: You are. You're a man. Not like Timberwolf. Not some little sissy.

DL: Man, you really gave it to him.

MB: He had it coming. Now you're ruining the network.

DL: What? How?

MB: I hear their really pissed off at you messing around and screwing things up.

DL: Oh, that. No. I missed a couple of deadlines and some illustrations but I'll fix it up. I mean I want to post my stuff on time but sometimes I get behind. Look I take full responsibility and apologize for the problems. I mean I've got three kids and a lot to do.It won't happen again.

MB: You are a man. A real man. Not some little whore. And those angels of yours.

DL: The kids. Yeah they're great.

MB: They are cute as little buttons your kids.

DL: Well, at home they can be a handful.

MB: Oh, yeah kids can be something can't they?

DL: Yes. But, it's great to have kids.

MB: I love you. Can I kiss you?

DL: No.

MB: I love that. You just say no to me. I love you, can I kiss you?

DL: Don't come near me.

MB: You are a magnificent creature. Now you are up for a locust award. What the fuck is that?

DL: Locus. Locus Award. It's a writing award from Locus Magazine and my short story "Shopping At The End Of The Universe" was recommended as one of the best short stories of last year.

MB: Bravo!!

DL: Thank you. And now you can go on line at Locus dot com and vote for my story and I might win an award.

MB: Alright folks you heard the man here. Go on line to Locus dot com and vote for Douglas Lain. A real man!

DL: Thank you, Marlon. It was great being here.

MB: You gotta go?

DL: Oh. No not really. I thought we were done.

MB: Stay here with me.

DL Oh. Well sure. I...

MB: Now I've been reading your stuff on the Movement.

DL: Analyzing the Movement.

MB: Yeah that's right. Who are those peole you won't name? P and J and those people? Who are they?

DL: Well, I don't want to say.

MB: Because if they are messing with you I can, well, let's just say I can talk with them for you and maybe come to an understanding.

DL: Well, I'd rather fight my own battles.

MB: I appreciate you bieng a man about this. Look I'll give them an offer they can't refuse.

DL: No...

MB: Maybe "P" could wake up one day with a bull horn in his bed.

DL: We want to do things peacefully. That's the whole point.

MB: Admirable. But wake up and smell the coffee my good prince.

DL: What?

MB: Well Douglas thanks so much for bieng here. If you ever need me call. Call me. Because we are friends. Friends do favors for other friends.

DL: Ok.

MB: Goodnight folks!

LP: "The Marlon Brando Show" is a Mar-Bran Jim-Far production in assosciation with Doug-Woug and Harpo Productions.
Marlon Brando's wardrobe by Western Costume Rentals.
This is Leonard Peltier saying this blog was recorded and goodnight from Hollywood.

Jim Farris presents Silly Thinking with Douglas Lain. It was here a minute ago, but now we can't find it.

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