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I wanted to quickly write down the symptoms I am feeling thus far at almost 6 weeks gestational age. Boobs are still pretty sore and growing. They feel heavier, especially when I bend over. Again, sorry if this is with it! Always wanted boobs...wish the rest of me was smaller ;-P. No nausea yet. Maybe I won't get it. Okay, I think I just cursed myself! No, instead, I feel really bloated, gassy, and have bouts with a sour stomach. Yesterday sucked because of a sour stomach. I had to force crackers down my throat because it had been many hours since I had eaten. When I'm not having stomach problems, I'm extremely hungry. Like, I'll eat a meal, then about an hour later I feel like I have a hole in my stomach and it's trying to eat itself. When the hunger hits, everything is put on hold. I get light headed and just need food. Kinda like when your blood sugar gets really low. It's strange. I'm making sure to stock the house with healthy items so I'm not eating a ton of junk. A new development since Sunday, Oct. 20 is dh in the morning. Not sure what that's all about, but I don't really have much trouble with it any other time of the day. Oh, yes...the fatigue. It hits much like the hunger. Suddenly I just have to sit down, or lie down. Just making the bed is like a workout. Another symptom is that my heart rate is up (normal stuff) and I get a little out of breath for no good reason. My asthma has been a bit worse than normal, but nothing alarming. I am retaining a lot of water, despite my drinking plenty of water. Also, with the frequent urination, you'd think there is no water to retain! My clothes are already getting too tight. I'm really not happy about that. I've had to get up in the early morning to pee, sometimes as much as 3 times a night, which is weird for me. All in all, the symptoms aren't terrible. I find them reassuring, actually. :-)

Lately the fatigue as been much more prominent, and there are days where I can barely move. This makes things very difficult when trying to pack for a move, but we're almost done. I just want to sleep for another week and find that we've moved, and that everything is unpacked. ::Sigh::

Yesterday I went shopping with my sister for a maternity bra. Yes, I'm only about 6 week preggers, but the boobs are out of control! I have to sleep with a bra in order to alleviate the soreness. Very strange. Even stranger is the bra I had to buy. I'm hoping that some place sells nicer, less matronly looking bras. The ones I saw were pretty much strictly utilitarian. Even weirder is the size I had to get. Okay, so gaining almost 50 pounds since 1997 has made some significant changes in my body, but going from a 34 A to a 40 D is crazy! Obviously not all at once, but in 5 weeks I've increased a cup and a half size. I shudder to think what will be in 8 more months! I'll be like one of those Russ Meyer chicks! AAAAHHH!!!

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