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::very, very tired::

So, we moved. The people that owned the condo we were renting sold it and we had 30 days to move. We found a place pretty fast and moved to Thousand Oaks. Now we're only 5 minutes from my sister, which is awesome! We hired movers, because we just didn't have enough people to help us, unless we wanted it to take 12 hours! Now for the un-fun process of unpacking (although it's much less un-fun than packing). I have a total lack of energy now from this pregnancy that it's making just opening a box tiring. Mostly I start to do something, then have to lie down right away. Apparently this is pretty normal, but it's driving me nuts. I'm not one to be very leisurely and I'm not enjoying this. Still no nausea or anything, which I'm very grateful for. Everyone tells me I'm having a boy because I'm not getting sick. I already thought I was having a boy as soon as I found out. I guess we'll see! Maybe...

...It appears that the chance of miscarriage for people my age is somewhere between 10-15%. It seems like a small number, but after being online and going into discussion forums with other pregnant women, miscarriage in the first trimester is a very common thing. Now, it seem that most of the time people who miscarry have symptoms that point to it happening. A lot of the time, women suddenly stop having any pregnancy symptoms. And then there's Charlotte. Charlotte had a miscarriage earlier this year. She conceived again 6 months later, and at 7 weeks had her first ultrasound. She saw the baby and heard the heartbeat. Everything looked great. I talked to her yesterday and found out she has miscarried again. She went in again for another u/s and they found no heartbeat and the baby had not grown any since the last time. However, she still feels totally pregnant. It's absolutely devastating! I'm completely heartbroken, and I just can't even imagine what she's going through. She seems to be handling it alright, but it must be so awful. It just brings home how fragile this is and how anything can go wrong without any warning. I hate that I have to wait until Dec. 5 to see the ob/gyn. I tried to move it up but they don't have anything open. A-boo!

We told Scott's parents yesterday. We didn't want to wait anymore, especially since we're not going to Joplin until January. I couldn't possibly wait that long! They were properly excited about the whole thing, although no one will top my Mom's excitement...compared to her, everyone else's response has been kinda "eh". I stress the "compared to her".

I'm going to be doing some day care for a friend of mine that has a 3 month old baby who desparately needs someone for a while as she's starting a new job. Her job is just down the street from me, which is convenient. I babysat him for about 2 hours the other day and kinda freaked out. I haven't taken care of an infant for about 5 years, so I'm a bit rusty. He cried, very loudly, for about 40 minutes...nothing would console him. I felt so stupid and helpless. He finally calmed down and fell asleep for a while, but started crying again when his mom came back. I know it's just a matter of us getting used to each other, but it did scare me a bit. I didn't like feeling like "the bad mother" because I couldn't get him to stop crying. I was just over tired, but it made me feel very inadequate. I think it'll be better next week, but I'm hoping this isn't permanent. She's trying to get her mother-in-law to move down from Canada to help take care of the baby, so we'll see. In the meantime, extra money! I just hope this fatigue lets up!

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