My So-Called Blog
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Who's hungry for a 9/17/05?
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One down. By that I mean, one MKW05-related event down, too many others left in my future. (Remember, friends, that MKW05=Marie Kraly Wedding '05) The first major soiree for MKW05, the bridal shower, went off without a hitch this past Saturday. Well, it wasn't totally hitchless - my grandmother did show up after all. Long enough to convince me that she's hopped up on too many older-people meds. Our one conversation went a little something like this:

Nana: Christine, are those shoes the ones you and your mother bought?
Me (all confused-like): er, no, Nana, I bought them a few years ago.
Nana: No, you and your mom bought them - yeah, them, the pumps.
Me: Huh?
Nana: The pumps - you liked 'em and so she bought 'em. Yes, those black pumps.
Me: Nan, I think you're confus-
Nana: I'm right, those pumps. The pumps.
Me: Stop saying 'pumps.'

But the personalized M&Ms were a big hit, as every friggin' woman there commented on them. Which is when my mother was crowned Greatest Shower Thrower Ever. Coincidentally, the M&Ms weren't exactly what my mom thought they'd be, which was "Marie & Aaron" on one side and the shower date "9/17/05" on the other. Instead, there were a bunch of ones with names, and ones with dates. So since Saturday, my parents have separated the candies and plan on using the leftover "M&A"s at the wedding. The "9/17/05"s are up for grabs at the Kraly household for whomever is hungry for some chocolate. There are roughly 9 zillion of them, so come and get 'em.

Separately, one big, fat reason I need to get a job: Dawson's Creek. This show is shit. I say that with all the heart of someone who never watched it when it was on and who's been sucked into its daytime reruns while unemployed. And now I actually care when Pacey and Joey have a fight. I actually know who Pacey and Joey are. To all recruiters out there: help me step away from the Creek. Give. Me. A. Job.

On that same note: Is it wrong that I kinda like Gilmore Girls? Don't judge me.

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