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Salem is my baby. she's five-ish pounds of total (and constant) enjoyment. she's named after my last black cat (a male, which I believe are more loving towards humans) but thats where the similarities end. Salem 1 would never leave me alone, would sit on my lap forever, would sleep with me (curled-up between my shoulder and ear purring like a maniac), would rub and purr and meow and whatever when I came home until I touched him, then it was all over--he'd lay still and let me pet him until I had to move.

Salem 2, on the other hand, is friendly, but thats about as far as it goes. Ill hold her at the door so she can smell the outside but will get edgy quick and want down. no claws or meanness, mind you, just squirmy until I set her on the floor. as for being a lap cat, she'll jump on mine but only cuz she wants to nibshit whats on the endtable. then she'll go to her spot on the edge of the couch and simply watch the world.

she usually comes when I call her, and will allow me to pick her up, but as soon as she gets what she wants (a quick hello pat usually does the trick) she wants down.

I sleep on a matress on the living room floor cuz the bed is my dresser, and whats funny, in the morning when Im getting coffee before I put the matress away, she'll lay on it (her head on my pillow which I think is cute) but as soon as I get near it she'll walk off and lay beside it.

an odd critter is my Salem.

and the fetching, man that blows me away. I aint kidding, the dingdong thinks she's a dog. Ill throw the toy and she'll snag it and come waltzing back with her head held high and her ears back a bit, like she's saying: "That all you gotm, mister?"

one day last week I watched her figure-out something that prolly is hard for a cat. on the endtable is a heavy glass mug with different junk in it--pencils, lighters, and that day a pair of long heavy tweezers. she wanted the tweezers but couldnt spill the mug, so she nipped it in her mouth and lifted it up. it took a few tries, but she finally raised the tweesers enough to fall beside the mug. then I watched as she stared at them for a moment, then walked away...mission accomplished, I guess. she didnt want them, just wanted them out of the mug...

an odd critter is my Salem.

right now she's laying beside my foot. prolly if I move she'll traipse to her spot on the couch (unless she's ready for a longer nap--then she'll go into the bedroom and sleep on top of a dresser. she knows no one will bother her in there.)

food: what an easy cat to feed. she doesnt really like canned food, just fill the bowl with whatever is on sale and she's happy. ya oughta hear her bitch when her bowl is empty. theres no doubt what the problem is when that happens; she lets me know right then and there...even if she aint hungry she cries until theres food. and her water bowl--I first gave her a plastic butter dish but she must not have liked it too much. she'd latch on th the rim and lift it til it spilled out. not just some, she wasnt happy til it all was on the floor. so I tried a heavier metal bowel----with the same results. now theres a really heavy crock bowl which seems to be working fine. either she likes it or its just too damn heavy to pick-up. makes no nevermind, at least I aint got a water puddle on the floor now.

and funnily enough, it took very little training to keep her off the stove, sink, and kitchen table. she will, however, get on the table but only when Im in the living room watching she's playing smartass... she'll stand on a chair, put a paw on the edge of the table while watching me. if I say anything, she'll hope down like nobody's business, but if I let her go, she'll put her other paw there--still watching me waiting for me to say: "CAT! GET DOWN!" I aint gotta yell, just be slightly stern so she knows I mean business.

Im not sure of her exact age, maybe 5 to 7 months, but I think she's coming in heat. she'll stand at one of the doors or at the kitchen window I fixed-up for her, and cry a bit differently. might not be in heat, just wanting to go outside and snoop, but either way she's a 100% housecat.


fleas is why. I let Salem 1 out a few times and just that quick I had an infestation. bombs, powders, whatever, and it took me months to get them under control. needless to say I had to leave S1 outside. he wouldnt stay in no matter how careful I/we were with the door--that cat'd shoot outside before anyone could even think. he'd do his thing, then return home laden with fleas. at the time I kept a shopvac beside the pooter and would sweep my legs about every couple of minutes. so I left S1 out. he finally took up residency at the neighbor's house. he comes by once in a great while to say hello but soon is back on his merry way.

I dont want S2 locked out. its not really a battle yet, but I bet when she is in heat Ill have a situation on my hands.
then again, maybe not. S2 seems to listen well.

an odd critter is my Salem.

wow, its twenty til 2, late in the day. I need to get with the program.

just wanted to giva kudoes to my cat for Stace, Babs and whoever else might wanna know. if I could Id post a pic...but I cant so I wont...giggle

Ill prolly be back here later today--feeling way like not doing too much of anything constructive.

byebye & enjoy your friday

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