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prophecy 2-- not great, not bad...

death wish 3-- not great, not bad...

guess for both these serieses (ummm, that word looks, sounds, and feels wrong as far as spelling and pronunciation) ya gotta have a taste for them. Im into christopher walken movies but he couldnt bring this one above a 4 or 5 dead baby rating, and DW3... bronson never really did anything for me and this is no exception. he is judge jury executioner again. only difference is he has a crooked cop backing him. oh well, only two more to go with both these movies.

oh, wanted to mention: blockbuster's site, aside from doing the standard movie ordering business, has a wealth of info about movies. if you have a question or wanna know who starred or directed or the running time of any movie, go there. shit, it even tells ys what languages the subtitles are avalable in.

okay, back to my chair. actually been reading this past week...trying to finish Koontz' Brother Odd (I think I started it about a week after it was released in hardback, made it halfway through then sat it on the endtable where it collected dust until one day last week). and man is it ever odd. if you read 1 and 2 [odd thomas, forever odd] then you have a rough idea of what youre in for, but even prepared I wasnt expecting what koontz threw at me...which in this case is total nuttiness. Odd can see ghosts, but he also sees other 'things' from the other side. and this time around he's catching glimpses of some pretty crazy sights.

thinking Ill prolly add book reviews (what Ive been doing here aint "reviews" in my opinion, they're simply my thoughts on some aspect of films. I usually dont do a plot outline or who starred cuz thats anywhere to be found, instead its more like just the scantest of scant opinions, okay?) to this here journal here this winter cuz I refuse to pay for cable or a dish, Ill need something to do after movies are watched.

besides, I miss reading. I think my subconscious had something to do with my slacking, tho. I dont need glasses for most books, but sometime, when the font is too small, Im flustered...I believe my subconscious whispered to me: "if you wear glasses youre getting too old so dont wear glasses and youll stay young--even if that means ya gotta stop reading novels." well, brother odd's font is just fine, and the next book, well, if it's small, Ill just grin and bear it and wear the fucking things.

did ya hear about the guy that took his wife to the doctors and the doc said 'Im not sure but I think she has either aids or alzheimers.' the guy asked: 'well how can I find out for sure?' and the doc said: 'take her for a ride out of town. if she remembers how to get home, dont fuck her'



[useless trivia--seals & crofts' diamond girl is about one of their girlfriends who happened to be black--and that was way non-PC back then so I think its cool that he [seals? crofts? dunno which one] followed his heart instead of a other people's beliefs.]

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