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I love moving! I love moving!
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Actually, I love moving.

Yes, it's a pain. Physically. But the great unburdening is so peaceful. And dare I mention the decorating of the new space? Giddy! Dexter, shut up.

So far, I've given up a king-size bedframe, a dresser, and two nightstands. The mattress, if not sold, will live in my parents' garage, awaiting the day I have a relationship that once again requires such vast accommodations.

I plan on giving up many magazines and other pieces of paper. Some books will go to Granny's Attic or another thrift store. It's not a wholesale purge, because I already did that. It's just the how-to-squeeze-it-in culling. Purge versus cull. Interesting distinction. Well, to me at least.

Tofutti break! (If you are a David Cross fan, you'll get that. If you aren't, watch Mr. Show. DVD.)

Oh, the nights spent dreaming of where to put each piece of furniture. The days spent longing for the new space, to hear the waves on the beach and feel the sea air. To get off this codeine and have a normal thought process.

Third sinus infection since school started, or more likely the continuation of the first one. I had two rounds of antibiotics, one of which should have killed every organism in my body except my body itself, and then wham! Half a bottle of wine with the Maestro and I'm in agony. Two days off work, a neti pot, decoction of oregon grape leaf, forcing lemon water, and eating pho. (Pho cures everything, in case you didn't know.)

My sister said there is a new pho restaurant in Seattle called "What the Pho" (which is, of course, pronounced "fuh"). I'd eat there if they served dogshit pho, with a name like that. (New Shimmer is a floor wax AND a dessert topping!)

I just got GMail, and if any of you are still using Hotmail, I urge you to consider a switch. It's bliss. It's sexy.

Well, off to Long Beach for the Long Weekend, then it's back to work and signing the lease.

Did I mention I'm moving?

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