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Now You Know I'm Bored
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40 Random Questions

1. What is your occupation? Special ed teacher, elementary resource room. Recently approached to do some ed consulting when the folks actually get some clients.

2. What color are your socks right now? White - they are those night socks you wear to keep the lotion on your feet.

3. What are you listening to right now? The hellatious wind outside, about 30 knots. And (embarrassed look) I'm watching Friends. Or, more accurately, Friends is nattering away in the background. My movie ended and that's what came on.

4. What was the last thing that you ate? A bowl of Kellogg's Raisin Bran with a few extra raisins, Steen's Cane Syrup, and 1% milk.

5. Can you drive a stick shift? Proficiently and with glee.

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Forest green.

7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My sister, to say I want to come and see her soon.

8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Ditteax, I was journal trolling.

9. How old are you today? 40.

10. Favorite drink: I realize four things can't be favorite, but I'm a rebel:water, Pepsi, POG, gin & tonic.

11. What is your favorite sport to watch? None.

12. Have you ever dyed your hair? Every so often. Today happened to be one of the days I did. It turned out darker than I wanted, but it's still a lovely deep ash brown.

13. Pets? Buck and Molly. Kitty-poos.

14. Favorite Food? Yes.

15. Last movie you watched? For Your Consideration, just moments ago, on DVD from Netflix.

16. Favorite Month of the year? the second half of August and the first half of September.

17. What do you do to vent anger? Cry, blog, drive, turn up the music, rant to a sympathetic co-worker.

18. What was your favorite toy as a child? Well, at age 4 or so, I really loved Baby Go Bye-Bye, a motorized plastic doll that was supposed to toddle and realistically bobble its cute little head. I think it fell over a lot. Later, in grade school, I loved my police-auction BMX bike and my Schwinn with the banana seat and apehanger handlebars, either of which I would take over small jumps in the neighborhood. I had a tree I would climb quite often.

19. What is your favorite, fall or spring? Spring, because it alleviates some seasonal depression, but Fall because I just feel completely alive then.

20. Hugs or kisses? Kisses. Preferably Cajun kisses. He does it riiiiiiight.

21. Cherry or Blueberry? Blueberry.

22. Do you want your friends to post this? I have no opinion; besides, since when do I have anything to say about what my friends do? They are almost entirely autonomous beings.

23. Who is most likely to respond? Bubba? Aitch? Not sure.

24. Who is least likely to respond? The Cajun. This isn't his idea of a productive use of time.

25. Living arrangements? Port-au-Patois, Number Seven, in the legendary Cove Apartments. Third-floor flat with deck overlooking Puget Sound.

26. When was the last time you cried? Last week or so. Something felt very, very unfair.

27. What is on the floor of your closet? Shoes, the legs of the ironing board.

28. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you think will read this? Aitch, if she answers at all. But I don't expect anyone to answer it.

29. What did you do last night? Watched movies, had dinner and (ahem) with the Cajun. Took a bath. Lay on the floor on a sheepskin in the glow of the woodstove. What can I say? It was a good night.

30. Favorite smell? The smell of blackberry blossoms opening in the dark woods on a hot summer day.

31. What inspires you? Music, physical sensation, colors, subtle flavors, the wordplay of a writer in the throes of inspiration.

32. What are you afraid of? Not having a family.

33. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese, preferably from Zeke's Drive-In in Goldbar, WA.

34. Favorite car? Toss up between the 1967 VW Transporter (barn door) and my old 1956 Dodge Coronet.

35. Favorite dog breed? Vizsla. Not to own, just to look at. To own, I'd like a more typical hound or other working dog. Heeler, maybe.

36. Number of keys on your key ring? Four. House, car, post office box, and work. Also a flashlight and a little sport watch thing.

37. How many years at your current job? Six and a half.

38. Favorite day of the week? Saturday.

39. How many states have you lived in? Three - Washington, Nebraska and Hawai'i. Washington "licks [the others] hollow", as C.S. Lewis once wrote.

40. Favorite holiday? None. I grew up without them and now they just make me reflect too deeply. I tend to leave town and take a non-holiday vacation when the major ones come up. I go to Doe Bay or to the mountains. Somewhere with a hot tub and a cozy spot to read a bunch of books and write the letters I don't get to during the year.

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