Writings, Thoughts and Happenings

I was born in the late 1970s. I grew up in West Virginia, went to five different schools for undergraduate in three different states, finishing at the University of Pittsburgh. I had obtained degrees in English Literature and Film Studies, and had satisfied or nearly satisfied requirements for a multitude of minors. Then, upon realizing that I would need a day job in order to be able to chase my dreams in these two fields, I chose to go to law school. I am out of law school now. I live in Pennsylvania now. To know the rest you'll have to read on a bit.
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The end of an era.

I have been in school since September of 1982. Soon to be 20.5 years.

Back then I had long blonde hair and red and white ribbon barrettes that I tried to wear every day-- no matter whether they matched or not. Now I am lucky if I brush my mud-brown hair before leaving. (I still try to wear red everyday!)

I spent one semester at Marshall University, three semesers at TFC, one semester at WV State College, and 5 semesters at Pitt, interrupted by one transient summer session at UC. Now I am in my 6th semester at WVU, the school I have hated the most. Why haven't I transferred? Am I too tired to keep up my old patterns? Am I . . . dare I say it . . . settled? Or settling?

Bear with me and I will tie these thought together. In kindergarten, I thought of school as fun. I was still being taken care of by my parents. Now I am responsible for me. And in reaching the end of my educational career, I feel a need to regress somewhat-- to go back to that time when all I needed to feel happy was a pair of beribboned barrettes in my hair.

There is not really much difference between the end of something and the beginning of it, when I truly over-examine it. On the first day of kindergarten, with my Annie* soft-sided red-with-white-polka-dot lunchbox and new shoes, I was unaware of where I would end up-- I had no idea I would finish college and go on to law school. I didn't even know that morning kindergarteners did not get a lunchtime and that my Annie lunchbox would not be needed. The only difference is that I can look back on kindergarten as a memory. I was excited to start a new phase of my life-- to be a "big girl" and to ride on that big yellow school bus. Now I am ready to begin the next phase. . . being a grown up. Looking for a job. When I was in kindergarten, I liked to play house. Now I will get to set up my own and have a job and set up my own household, just like I used to pretend. Kinda fun, no? Another beginning, a settling and an ending all at once. I just wish I could find those barrettes.

*As in Little Orphan Annie.

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