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Katrina considerations
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I'm really considering what I can do to organize a giving effort in support of Katrina victims.

First and foremost I was going to get a room at ICC. Forget it. I've been offered space with a friend in exchange for feeding him and letting him sleep at night. It wasn't ideal and I was giong to try to get my own space with turb0author. Now I think the money would be much better spent on charity.

I'm pondering the chances of pulling together an event people would be willing to attend with the understanding they would be parting with money. After the tsunami last December similar things happened around the world. I'm not hearing of it here, maybe because people figure this isn't a Third World country and the infrastracture is better organized and funded. That's true but that doesn't mean this disaster won't tap out what's there.

The Red Cross will take anything it can get, of course. Habitat for Humanity, as someone else mentioned, is good for the long haul. But organizations (preferrably NGOs that are not for profit) that do things like clean up water supplies and help other affected non-profits get back on their feet will be necessary. If I thought it were possible to get monies out to anyone affected without going through the government's labrynthine equations of need I would try to gather support for FEMA.

Maybe everything could be one big check, divided between Lousiana, Alabama and Mississippi.

There's no way there won't be waste or corruption involved, I know this. But I trust that most of what I give will end up where it's needed. Whether it buys roofing material for someone's house, drinking water for a shelter, or sandwiches for rescue workers it should help.

But I believe in the power of many. And I think the many need to be united in this. No, they're not in a third world on the other side of the planet. They're our fellow Americans literally facing disease, starvation and exposure, not to mention a complete loss of livelihood, society, friend and family ties as they stumble around separated from the world they had once had.

I'm likely putting the cart WAY before the horse but there are many of you who are bright and passionate and have great ideas. What do you think of this:

I would like to organize or support a one-day event that would charge an admission to be given 100% to Katrina-relief. Some kind of festival or something at a park where vendors could come with food or wares of different kinds and pledge some of the proceeds to the relief effort. A great big communal pass-the-hat effort where people can take a way little trinkets as well as a good feeling.

I can't decide if this is harebrained and horribly, horribly difficult for someone who hasn't remotely done anything like this. Or if it's worth a shot to just look into it.

I'd have to find a space (likely a large park) and the owner (likely the city) would have to ok it (usually by paying). I would have to find vendors who can bring their own stands and gear. I have no earthly idea how to make sure they actually give part of what they take. I have to figure out how to wall of the thing to make sure people pay admission. I'd probably want to get prominent non-profit groups to set up shop like the ARC and they won't want to go without a promised turn out.

this is so crazy. I can't do this! Gah. but if not me, who?

How do other people do this? Grr.

I could just give a bunch of money through my company. they'll match up to $1000.

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