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Let's Have A Full Accounting...
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I thought maybe we had a law on the books that would prohibit Congress making a law and then not funding the enforcement of that law.

Silly me.

How will The People be effected when a given law is to be enacted? For example, the Senate is reportedly close to passing some piece of legislation about Immigration, without understanding the financial aspects at all!

Did you see this week they're projecting over 66 Million new American Citizens in the next 20 years, (BEFORE any talk of Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants!), through normal existing Immigration Policy as defined by law today? So with a possible new 100 Million Citizens, in a couple decades, will this be a more workable Democracy than we have today?

I am calling for a full accounting of the Federal Government, with full transparency on everything. What are the bills for? Who is paying the bills? Who benefits?

I am calling for an end of the unfair tax system! Do away with the Bureaucracy and PLAY FAIR!

I want an immediate stop to the passing of a bill which has not been read by most or all of the ones passing the bill! We now know that any legislator may sneak a rider into the bill which then is passed without question, which then tacks Billion$ onto the National Debt, to be paid someday by our Grandchildren.

I want every candidate running for office to take an ethics test, a reading and writing test, a verbal test which cannot include memorized talking points. I want these tests published to the voters before the election.

I want each legislator to wear a badge of incorruptibility, working hard to protect the interests of the Middle Class of America, not just the Rich and the Corporations. How this badge is earned is through transparency to the Public. The less transparent, the lower the rating.

Let our Political Parties be Truth and Honesty instead of their inverse labels of today: Repuglicans and Demopugicans, they all seek to accomplish their own agenda, which seems to be greed, manifested by laws and tax systems which benefit themselves and their Corporate Donors and Lords. End the treasonous tax giveaways and the look-aways and the bribes through PACs and revolving table lobbyists.

Pthfooey! You're all FIRED!

Let them reflect the Agenda of the Whole of the Citizenry!

Instead of squabbling over one sad brain-dead woman in one State, these shams could have been protecting our borders, protecting our future, reducing the dangerous debt we have amassed through trade imbalance with China and other countries.

Instead of Profiteering from War, these criminals should doing hard time.

Let us have reasonable discourse about where we want our Beautiful America to be in 20, 50 or a hundred years. Let us grow up and smell the future. I fear that We, The People, will not survive our own leaders, with their treasonous greed and underhanded Ways and Means. We will guard against Corporatocracies, now we know the Best Government Money Can Buy Always Goes To The Ones With The Least Morals And Ethics. Pthfooey!

We will take back our Democracy from the Corporations and the Neo-War Mongers, we will hold them accountable for their self-serving Crimes Against Humanity!

I will not vote for any incumbent in November or in 2008.

I will vote for a Candidate who will clean up the tax system into an easily understood, fair, and transparent system. The taxes thus collected will balance to the penny with what we spend on the way to a 50-year Plan for Democracy.

I will vote for a Candidate who will clean up corruption in government, who will fund enforcement of corruption and immigration laws and who is no lackey of big business.

I will vote for a Candidate who will show us a way to pay off the Dangerous Debt, as well as to Protect our Borders! We can walk and chew gum at the same time!

I will vote for a Candidate who will put the People's Best Interest over that of their personal interest or that of any foreign Nation or Corporation, in every law signed, in every negotiation, for the full term and prove it through transparency.

I will vote for a Candidate who will not be the Lyin' King. Bush has been caught so many times, Clinton, BushOne, Reagan, go on back and find one that didn't routinely lie to their own Constituency... Carter? Who will defend other administrations?

We desperately need Benevolent Leaders, people. The leaders we have prove my point every day, you don't need me to see what a mess their Insanity has brought us.

I wonder when they will understand that they can Fool some of The People sometimes, but eventually the Sheep see they're being eaten for lunch.

It will all come out eventually; it always does, and accountability can be a bitch!

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