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Answer me these questions five...
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Thee questions by Jenn

1. Why hedgehogs?

Hedgehogs are lovely. They are "snarfully" which an ideal trait for any pet. They've got those never quitting noses, are so full of energy, and Houdini even smiled when he was happy. They're non traditional, which was what first drew me to them. I like being original and making eclectic (read weird) choices for pets. And they're cuddly little bristly things. They have faces that you have to adore. :) Although I would like another hedgehog real soon, I'm going to wait until I have more room. Turtles are getting bigger as it is, so may have to get a larger tank soon as it is.

2. Where do you see your career in five years? (And you better not say it's still with!) ;-)

In five years, I hope to be in the process of transitioning from working for a company (will probably be management or something useful) to building my own and working for myself/making my own money sans paycheck. I don't have the exact game plan, but 5 years seems like a good amount of time to have it together. There's a lot of people out there with their own businesses, and I'm smater than many of them, so why not me. :) (okay, that sounded a bit teetering between confident and smug, but you know what I mean)

3. How has being a Jehovah's Witness changed the way you see the world now?

I am able to accept that ignorance is simply someone who is uninformed, and being uninformed is not always by choice (though sometimes it is), so you cannot give up on someone just because they don't agree with you. Before, as a Witness, encountering someone who didn't share my beliefs was immediately followed by criticism and snap judgement, then a desider to teach them "the truth." I think that this has taught me a bit of gentleness when it comes to disagreements with people. I am not as critical or judgemental, but still have the desire to teach someone rather than just tell them that they're wrong. Show them why I believe I'm right.

4. What's your favorite thing about singing karaoke? How about your least favorite thing?

My voice projection has gotten so much better with karaoke, and I think it has helped my confidence develop so that I can take hold of a situation/conversation using performance skills, and less reliance on hammy skills. :)

Least favorite thing? Honestly, that's got to be that it always runs so late and is on a weekday. I have to be up for work shortly after 6, and karaoke goes till 1:30, getting me home at around 2. Sure, there's places with Saturday and Friday karaoke, but I'm a gamer. I love having a karaoke evening after a long day at work, o if it started and ended earlier, it would be ideal.

5. Name something you learned in college that had nothing to do with your classes.

Diplomacy. Will expand on that later, gotta run. :)

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