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To The Life And Luck of Thea Rivera

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Potentially a little emotional, possibly a little disturbing, but I had to get it out...

In other news, still trying to figure out what to do about my Mom. The person who has been helping her, the one referred to as Softly, is definitely a real person, but I still have no ideas as to any real credentials. She runs a website helping people with "multiple personalities" and their families at, but I haven't had a chance to look into it fully.

The emails I have gotten from Softly have a lot of spelling and grammar errors, which is not something I would expect from a professional, retired or not. The first email I got from her seemed more like a political endorsement for than anything else. I am sure that she is trying to be helpful, but still, I am skeptical. Although my Mom talks of Softly as having great detail and knowledge of her issues, Softly asked me for more details and insight as to what is going on with my Mom.

As far as my Mom herself, well, it's a long story. One of her "personalities" who introduced herself to me as Myrah told me that "she" was there when me and my sister were born, and that there were two people there who were not happy when we were born, and tried to kill us, but that Alice (my mom) stopped them. I was a bit surprised at her telling me something like this, as you can imagine.

My mother in her last email to me (as herself) stated the same thing, that someone tried to kill us when we were born, but will not provide me any details as to who. Delusion or not, it's just kinda freaky to hear something like that, and to my understanding on the disorder, thats not exactly how it works.

Her other personality, who she claims is 2 years of age, was on a quest for her "real dad" Glen Smith. More recently, as herself, Mom gives me this story that my grandfather isn't my real grandfather, that she was taken from her real dad when she was 2, because she was illegitamate, and that her "Stepdad who never loved her" was the person who signed the birth certificate.

She tells me that there are all sorts of horrible things from when she was little. Then she tells me that there are many things that I don't know about her life.

If it was alternate personalities I was talking to before, her main one shouldn't be confirming what they said right?

I have no idea whether she has any real basis for any of this. She then goes on to say that there were many things that happened to me when I was younger, too young to remember, that were horrible. She told me that I have some healing to do because of terrible things that were done to me. What am I supposed to make of that?

She asked me not to be afraid of talking about this, but I'm just confused as to how to respond or react.

It is very disturbing that she honestly believes all of this has happened, and that she believes stuff is continuing to happen to her. I'm the only one of her kids (out of 8) that she talks to.

Am I letting myself be emotionally manipulated? Even though I am being very logical about the liklihood of any of this, she is still very much concerning me, and I don't know how to deal with it really.

Maybe I should seek some sort of counciling.


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