Ink Blot #262 Kinda of an Update

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LOL Like anyone really cares. Hurr hurr. /sarcasm.

So I start my next quarter classes (yeah I have no clue why SWC decided to cut these classes in fourths instead of a regular semester. Oh well) and I'll be gone again usually from 1-2pm (out of the house by then) and in class from 4-9pm (unless my teachers are gracious enough to let us leave early though I kinda doubt it).

Today will be Professional Cooking-Cultural Foods. Tomorrow will be Pastry Design and Decorating.

I'll be pretty much dead Monday through Thursday, with the occasional text, update on FB, twitter and G+ so if you guys have any of that add me and ask for my number. If not I'll be the world of teh interwebz.

Aside from that I'm growing fairly confident in my cooking skills. I've made Japanese curry all on my own and mum (who hates curry) actually said I made it all delicious like. Last night I made a "tuna-provised" picadillo and it was so good according to my mum that she asked "Are you sure you cooked that all by yourself?"

Meaning I'll be able to start cooking my own food (if I'm being a lazy prick lol) and provided that I give my mum a list of ingredients to buy.

On to less food type talk (I know you might have gotten a bit hungry reading it lol!) and on to more pressing matters at hand.

I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately. I'm not particularly stressed or anything since I really don't have to do other people's homework (you know who I'm talking about if you've followed my blogs before)and I just mainly focus on my classes especially since they're so long and exhausting. I've never been on my feet more than a few hours at a time (Never had a job either) so that's pretty rough and despite being up on my feet more than 4 hours per class session four days a week I come home exhausted and I come home to bed (after checking my email, fb and stuff) and by the time I'm done with that I'm up til 12am and I lay down and its damn near 2-3am before I can actually get to bed.

This whole week I had off I could not get to sleep til after 5am the latest at 8am. I have no idea why either. Like I said I'm not really stressed out and I even stopped taking my sleep aids (especially since I had to up the dose to 3 pills) because my feet were killing me.

Another thing that's been bugging me is that I haven't had a real period for a little under 9 months. Now now before you all go "BITCH YOU PREGOO", I know for a fact I'm not pregnant. I was still on my birth control shot when I left PA for the summer (which was August) and I was supposed to go get my next injection in October (because I got the shot in July so I was covered for July, August and September) but being the forgetful Tunah I am, and for just plain putting it off I never went to get the next installment (due to family reasons and bs like that). So pretty much since September I've been off my birth control. Before you say "Well who were you in the sack with?", No one. Sadly I haven't had any since I left PA in August. So without going disturbing graphic details, I've been sex free for a couple months now.

But the thing is that I've been spotting and cramping up and even had an increase of my egg sacs having popping cysts (yeh sadly runs in the family which is a major bummer). So this entire time I'm like "PERIOD Y U NO COME REGULAR!?!" (Sorry I'm on a #rageface stint right now please bear with me).

Basically all this just makes me want to "tuna-splode" everywhere and I gotta keep it together. Especially since one my birthday is coming up and I'm pretty sure its gonna be lame as fuck, like it has been for the past two years. So I'm not looking forward to it. Plus I just feel so damn old. I mean I'm barely gonna be 23 but I feel so out of place with most of my class mates who the majority are at least 21 and under. Same with most of my friends (yeh I mean the majority that I actually have at least regular chats with) are younger than me. Even if it is a year or two. Bleh.

Then after that comes May and Owner (fuuuu it's been so long since I've called him Owner) will be coming out here for him, mum and I to talk about me being permanently "tuna-napped" and finally live with Owner. Which is a really really huge step for me since again I've only spent the summers out in PA with Owner. Thats what, like less than 3 months out of the year. But now since Im gonna live with him thats gonna be like FOREVER. I dunno. I just feel really scared (he says its normal) and I think that its finally time but I just cant come out to tell mum just yet. So thats why Owner is gonna come out here so he can help me tell her. And of course bribe her with lots of See's candy and just because he's way better at talkin to her than I am. The hard part is convincing her that its my choice and my decision that I want to go.

So yeh. That's pretty much what I've been up too since the last post. Psh. Not much. I'm a lazy ass. XD But seriously. As far as my creativeness its pretty much dead. I haven't really drawn anything thing since two Augusts ago when I took a drawing class. And as far as writing, been in a writer's block for like EVER. So yeah.

Bleh I got nothing else to say now. YAY TUNA BRAIN SPLODE ATTACK!

Until next time peepz.

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