Ink Blot #263 I Feel Like It

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And because I can.

So I really want to start blogging much more now since its pretty therapeutic for me. Even though most of the time everything is disjointed and half the time I make no sense to myself either.

Anyways as I'm writing this, I barely woke up and I'm eating some of my Tuna Tuna-tastic Tuna salad base.

Recipe: (or a rough idea of a recipe)

Tuna (preferably in water since that's what mum gets and size of the can or pouch doesn't matter) DRAIN THE WATER OR ELSE IT WONT BE STABLE and it'll just be a big mushy mess (but still taste good XD)

Mustard (to your liking)

Mayo (to your liking)



and a small dash of paprika (Salt, Pepper and paprika are again to your liking)

Hope you enjoy it because its very yummy nummy in a tuna tummy.

You can put relish and whatever else you want it in, the only reason I don't have relish in the base recipe is because we didn't have relish. Croutons and tomatoes make it extra yummy but yeah you can pretty much do whatever you want with it. Depends on your own tastes. :)

Anyways I also want to address my dear readers that I wish to be called Tunah Catfish. Despite what my name might be listed.

Yeah I have so many problems with my "human" name so I came up with Lilith Rose (Reitenbach is Owner's last name which I'll be taking up once we set on when we want to be married) and since I really rather be called Lilith Rose over my "human" name right now its only pretty much for my online persona which is kind of a bummer but what can you do.

So please call me Tunah Catfish which will pretty much how I'll want to be addressed from now on. Now I realize that some people are gonna ask me "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU" but you have to realize my human name causes me all kinds of grief. Mostly because I had bad stuff happen to me when I was much much younger and it still kinda haunts me even now. But the other part of it is because no one can seem to remember it. And right now it pisses me the fuck of to the point where I want to bash people's motherfucking faces in. (Sorry for my foul language but theres no real gentle way of putting this) .

You guys know I'm taking culinary arts classes at the moment, which is pretty fun, but we have to wear chef coats embroidered with our names. (School policy) but WITH OUR GOD DAMN FUCKING NAMES! Meaning my "human name" (Jessica B.......) is SEWN INTO MY DAMN CHEF COAT! And the kicker? PEOPLE CALL ME EVERY OTHER GOD DAMN FUCKING FEMALE NAME IN THE FUCKING WORLD EXCEPT WHAT THE FUCK IS PRINTED RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM! /fraging so hard right now

And because of I dont know what to call them...I guess people will have to do....I hate my "human name". I mean its right in front of you in freakin' block print how the fuck can you not remember it?! Ugh.

So yeah. Call me Tunah (Tuna) or Lilith Rose or Lily or Lily Rose. Please. Or I will hunt you down, and beat you within an inch of your life with a frozen fish. (Hurr hurr only cuz a tuna would weigh way too much to haul around whereas I can just buy a frozen fish anywhere) I start the pastry design and decorating class. I wonder who I'll have because we only have I think 3 chefs working and I really don't want Chef Axel again. He was pretty much a scary dude. But that might just be because I'm really sensitive to stuff and he really didn't help when he said I looked like a real person without my CBRs in.

I do know I have Chef Ellen for cultural foods so that's a big relief because she didn't really care about my snakebites and she's one of the best teachers of any kind that I remember.

Oh god that was hilarious. I'm blogging and eating my tuna salad stuff and mum opens the door and asks me what am I doing and I look at her, straight in the eye and poker face "I'm sleeping" and she looks at me like "WTF" and leaves.

Back to classes, and the only other chef is this guy whose missing a finger and from what my classmates (some I'll see on Wednesday woot) say he's a really bad teacher and doesn't really teach the class. So yeah. I'm curious to know who it is.

I think my brain has exploded. Wow. In exactly one month I will be 23 years old. Lame. >.>

Fuuuu I guess this is it for today.

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