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November 2006
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03: friday five: toofies (7 comments)
03: i'm in love with another man, and other news (16 comments)
05: can this relationship be saved? and other thoughts (18 comments)
06: rose (2 comments)
06: leaving church (31 comments)
07: random thoughts on election day (5 comments)
08: a story with a moral, or not (12 comments)
08: naughty post-election thought (12 comments)
09: vocational discernment (15 comments)
10: friday five: what's red and blue and purple all over? (11 comments)
11: security (9 comments)
13: monday dots of update (9 comments)
14: tuesday dots of poetry news (4 comments)
14: my kid refused to say the pledge (10 comments)
15: i pledge allegiance to my kid (21 comments)
16: micropoems (3 comments)
17: friday five--thanks (6 comments)
17: micropoem II (3 comments)
20: rapid monday dots of update (6 comments)
20: multitasking (14 comments)
21: healthwatch 2006 continues (11 comments)
23: turkey delurkey (25 comments)
24: black friday five (15 comments)
25: more on gift cards (11 comments)
25: and still more on gift giving (11 comments)
26: stuff i love on 11/26 (9 comments)
27: this blog has jumped the shark (11 comments)
28: stuff i love on 11/28 (16 comments)

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