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Um, nope.
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Sigh. I guess if I change the color, it changes the color for all the entries. That's too bad. Ah well, I'm happy with everything else, so I guess I'll just leave the confusion of talking about pink when clearly it's green.

It's not easy being green.

Speaking of green, I'm seriously considering the Prius. In black. But I might have to put some pink accents on it, maybe like the gold car before, but even cooler.

I'm feeling the need to show off a little bit nowadays. The divorce should be final REALLY soon (yay!), and in my process of re-discovery of myself, I've remembered what a sassy showoff I really am. Except of course when I'm curled up on the corner of a couch reading a book, or when I'm thinking about playing a break at music night.

For those of you who don't know, I'm learning bluegrass guitar -- I play every Tuesday night with our family group. Let's see, I play guitar, my sister plays bass, her husband plays mandolin (and fiddle once in a while), his brother plays guitar, _his_ wife plays fiddle, her sister plays banjo, _her_ partner plays guitar, dobro and sometimes bass, my nephews saw away on their fiddles for two songs before bedtime, and the only member of the group who isn't related to the rest of us by blood or marriage is a guitar/banjo player who's an honorary family member and certainly an honorary uncle to the boys. Once in a while my sister's father-in-law will play his banjo, and every so often my dad will come down to visit with his autoharp, or every so often my mom will come down to visit with her ukulele.

It's festival season! Yay! I'm not naming any of my family members yet, because I haven't been given permission, but my sister and brother-in-law and nephews and I went to the Gilroy Bluegrass Festival a couple weeks ago (First Annual!) -- Very sweet location, hooray for shade! Good music, too.

Okay, I'm rambling now. Must go nap because it's Tuesday and I GET TO PLAY MUSIC TONIGHT WITH FABULOUS PEOPLE! Who always encourage me and only give me constructive advice about playing music, for which I am eternally grateful.

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