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Just waltzed in and have no work to do yet so I'll kill some time with quizes. All courtesy of Coyote. }:>

[I am happiest when] my friends are together and they're not fighting.

[I feel lonely when] I find something really cool and wish I could share it with someone else. (I don't get lonely much, I tend to like being alone, but sometimes I wish I could share stuff and then it gets depressing.)

[The ideal relationship would be] err.. fair?

[What makes you cry?] hmm the strangest things sometimes. I wonder if I should just claim chick hormones and not investigate this one too much?

[Do you think too much?] I think so, at least my dad used to say I did. Sometimes I still spend a lot of time thinking or fantasizing or whatever and I'm just sorta...absent.

[If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?] I like little houses, like cottages tucked away with large wild gardens, but I also like city living so... I'm not entirely sure. But I like LA so I doubt I'd move far.

[Famous person you would like to meet] hmm, cop out answer would be Tori Amos, but there are several people I'd like to talk to and just witness them when they're not trying to play to an audience...

[Do you believe in organized religion?] well duh... Eventhough I've stepped aside from the Church a little bit, the Church is still there.

[Pro-life or Pro-choice?] Pro-choice.

[Are you a vegetarian?] Nope

[Do you support the death penalty?] technically, yes, since I don't do anything to try to abolish it and my taxes go to pay for it...

[Do angels or demons exist?] sure... it's all semantics, right?

[What would you most like to be doing right now?] hmm sitting curled up by the front window of my parent's house where the sun can warm me and reading a good book.

[Do you have any regrets?] *sighs* yep

[Sex or love?] yes, please

[Favorite scent] hmm light powerdery smells probably

[What REALLY makes you mad?] Tons of stuff, but I guess people who are inconsiderate, people anywhere from my sister to former Enron executives.

[Favorite way to waste time] heh, answering surveys and taking online quizes I guess };>

[If you won $50,000,000 what would you do with it?] wow, um, well assuming Uncle Sam alredy took his cut, I'd my mom a house, fix up the old one and buy a black box somewhere and spend the rest on premiering a play there (maybe mine, maybe not)

[What is your best quality?] der... uhh. I think too much? wait no...I'm overweight.. wait, I know! I'm really bossy. um, maybe not.

[Are you currently in love/lust?] yes

[What's the craziest thing you have ever done?] hmm craziEST... it's a toss up between walking from USC to the Santa Monica Promenade over the course of one night in the company of a gay man and a scrawny whte dude and driving up alone to San Francisco, getting to downtown at about four AM and turning around, heading toward PCH and driving home again that morning (during El Nino).

[Any bad habits?] er, probably in biting off more than I can chew and assuming it will all work out in the end. (it probably will, just in the meantime it's kind of annoying to be around me)

[Do you find it hard to trust people?] well yeah but that's because I only trust the people I'm close to and I don't trust people until I'm close to them. If that made any sense to you, explain it to me and I'll give you a cookie.

[Do you ever doubt yourself?] Sure.

[Bath or shower?] Shower. I miss bathing but it doesn't tend to work out anymore.

[Favorite season?] spring, March and April }:>

[What is your favorite flavor?] uh. I like seasoning. like I really like lemon chicken, or rosemary-rubbed steak. I like flan with chocolate syrup, but I don't like solid chocolate cake as much and your not going to catch me sucking a lemon so...

[What is your favorite time of day?] whenever I finally get to whereever it is I'm going after work.

[Gold or silver?] I dunno

[Silk sheets or cotton?] cotton

[Any secret crushes?] sure.. I guess

[If you could be the opposite sex for one day, would you do it?] Could that day have been yesterday? in that case, yes!

[What do you desire most in life?] um, respect I guess, or failing that, some consideration.

[Do you believe in destiny?] *shrug* sure I guess. It would probably be best to say that I don't believe in utter coincidence or absolute chaos.

[Is world peace attainable?] Once all the people are dead, yeah. (This is Coyote's answer, and I like it }:>)

[I first got this survey from] told you already, Coyote }:>

Which David Bowie are you?

heh }:>

My Spirit Animal is the Wolf!

Cycle of Power: Year Round - Full Moons - Twilight

Aspects: Guardianship, Loyalty, Leadership, Ritual and Spirit.

Click here
to discover your spirit animal!

This test made by Celtic_Shamanes

I doubt this surprises anyone, but I kinda thought the test was slanted this way...

Other likely suspects, in order of likelihood:

My Spirit Animal is the Cat!

Cycle of Power: Nighttime

Aspects: Mystery, Magick, Independence
Click here
to discover your spirit animal!

This test made by Celtic_Shamanes

My Spirit Animal is the Dragon!

Cycle of Power: Varies

Aspects: Magick, Shapeshifting, Element Kinship

The Aspects of the dragon vary by elemental alignment.
Click here
to discover your spirit animal!

This test made by Celtic_Shamanes

My Spirit Animal is the Raven!

Cycle of Power: Winter Solstice

Aspects: Magick, Shapeshifting and Creation
Click here
to discover your spirit animal!

This test made by Celtic_Shamanes

My Spirit Animal is the Elk!

Cycle of Power: Autumn

Aspects:Strength and Nobility
Click here
to discover your spirit animal!

This test made by Celtic_Shamanes

okie.. I have work now...

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