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Tending Strange Fruit
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Strange world isn't it? people on the Net get their panties in a knot cause the guy who played Dumbledor died but I have to tune into NPR to hear about Paul Wellstone and his wife, daughter, three staffers and two pilots dying yesterday (the others don't have names, apparently).

I've decided that sucks. Not just the celebrity business but because Paul Wellstone was one of the good guys. I didn't really think folks like him exist any more. By "folks like him" I meant liberal politicians with some damned guts. He was one of two senators who voted against giving Dubya the resolution he wanted to use force in Iraq. That takes balls to stare down 98 of your peers and go with your gut anyway. He was an ardent dove who strenuously believed in giving what is due to others. This is why he was backed by several veterans groups.

I hate it when I have to hear an obituary before I can get to know someone I can believe in.
I saw in the news this morning that the standoff in the Moscow theatre is over. The Russian army pumed some sort of sleeping gas into the theatre knocking out everyone inside (give or take - there was some resistance, over ninety hostages were killed and fifty of the insurgents died). I don't know if any of the insurgents were taken into custody and there was some insinuation that the gas that they used was likely rather toxic, to the point where it itself might bring about more death. All in all this a good end. I was thinking there was practically no way to save the theatre and its inhabitants unless Russia began pulling out of Chechnya, which of course they'd never do. I didn't think about knock-out juice. But it's weird. Nearly a hundred deaths of people who just wanted a nice night out. And it's considered a good thing. I guess what I really mean is it's possibly the best way it could have been resolved. But it still makes my stomach twist.

Kinda the same thing with the guy in Maryland. But that's just because I don't buy into the death penalty.

In other news a few films are out and more on their way. I saw Secretary last night with Space Dog and we both walked totally besotted and bewitched by it. It made me cry. }:P It's a wonderful romantic movie for anyone who has ever had any interest in S&M. If you don't have any interest or you think it's kinda freaky and wrong Skip It. I heard about Real Women have Curves so now I have to see it.

Molasses is sick. }:< Killing any potential for planning this weekend so we're gonna chill with some Jyhad until he gets better.

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