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I spent some time reorganizing the game site that I was running. It is taking a bit longer than I thought but hopefully will be somewhat worth it. Wasn't expecting to be so busy and preoccupied for the rest of the weekend.

And I've been watching the news way too much.

After a Saturday night (ok, it lasted till almost 5) of brainstorming and creating characters for a new Mage game (never played Mage in LARP before but we've decided to give it a shot) we all slept in on Sunday, but as soon as we got up, MSNBC was back on TV. We watched it for a few hours, then I decided that it would be a good idea to just get out, go somewhere, do something, at least for a couple of hours, and then come back and watch the Oscars. So, it was off to Benigans for some good food, outside seating, and a bit of wandering around.

The Oscars were pretty interesting. I really liked that Steve Martin hosted them, he was very funny, and wasn't trying to be PC about it. He was fairly tactful when it counted, but seriously, part of being funny is being non PC about the situation. He picked on some good sports too (Jack Nicholson, Juli Andrews, Kathy Bates, etc.) I have always liked his brand of humor.

From Jenn (Who got it from someone, who may have gotten it from someone else, but if it wasn't a good quite, noone would be quoting it and linking to it's source now would they?)

"Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh."

-- George Bernard Shaw

Of note, Chicago took a few but wasn't a total sweep, which is totally cool. I haven't seen a lot of the other movies, and do think that there were some things that should have been considered for more, such as Two Towers. I was surprised that Eminem won, it was unfortunate that he didn't perform because I'm sure it would have been great. All in all, I was glad that many fine talents were noted, and I liked the different things that they did for it being the 75th year.

I'm not really sure that the Oscars are the right place for some of the acceptance speeches given, but when you've got a mic, sometimes people will just say what they feel. Many others made some interesting acceptance speeches. I thought that many people had some good things to say, it was interesting to see most of them posted here.

Several of my friends have noted this blog from Iraq in their journals. I've kept track of it over the past week. I must say that I am really happy that they were able to update their journal (blog, whatever). It's weird. I don't know the guy, or really know exactly where they are, but after reading someone's personal life stories via their journals, you gain a general concern for them. I think it's more than a morbid curiosity.

I have booked my flight to New Orleans for Janel's wedding. She's getting married in Floriday, which is a couple hours away, but we're going to party in New Orleans for the bachelorette party, and the flights directly to NO were so much cheaper. We found a great deal, and I'm on the same flight as the other bridesmaids. Woo!

So for some reason, I've had this craving for Jack N The Box fish and chips, with the tartarsauce and vinegar. Not sure why. Just had that at Bennigans, and it was pretty good. No Jack's around work though.

Hmm, what to do for lunch today?

BTW, I've officially lost 7 pounds as of Friday. My weight is really weird though, and I should probably get my measurements taken at the gym again to get a better look at any results from my workouts and fairly ontrolled eating (minus the many chocolates that hide in my desk at work)

Plans tonight are, go to the gym, come home and clean up my little rat's nest of papers and books by my drawing table, go to karaoke, and all that jazz... :)

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