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"I was born to love you. I was born to lick your face."
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somewhat stressed

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So, one of my staff members called in "sick" (though he's prolly working on his resume or interviewing) and my other phone person went home sick, and San D is down to 2 people to cover 24/7 because they have people on vaca, recent people quit, and someone in the hospital. I have techs on phone duty who should be working on other issues. I'm processing paperwork for someone who just put in notice, and will probably be doing the same for another staff member before the week is up. This is really starting to get to me.

My weekend went well. Kody came over Saturday afternoon for a game of Star Trek that Erik has been running, and he plans on running some Robotech as well, as soon as he moves into his new house. Yep, a house, a kid, a wife... he's gone very domestic since I first met the guy. He's back, as in actually living in California for a while without being shipped off across the world, at least for a while. I'm glad. Our Star Trek game is turning out to be really fun, and after a couple of years now I am playing a new character, a Ferengi, female, trader *cough*pirate*cough*, and it's been interesting. ;)

Went to a werewolf game yesterday in BFE. Yes, I mean that. It was at Walter's house. It was somewhere around Norco, there were goats on one side of where we were, horses on the other, and pigs for sale down the street. The game started out a bit slow for me because I was bringing in a new character for that one too. I still have my old one, but figured I'd try a new concept before White Wolf and the Cam reset and those concept cease existance. Things got going, but wow has it been a long time since I've brought in a new character with no XP. 3 years now for werewolf, at least 6 for vampire.

Friday was D&D at work after work, possibly for the last time but we may be able to squeeze in another session before we all go away. I'm glad I'm playing games that are not White Wolf and not Cam. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Cam games still, and am excited somewhat about the worlds behind the concepts coming to an end next year. (Their site has details) but am not so certain about what they will bring next, and have a few doubts as to whether it will be something I will enjoy.

After yesterdays game, we figured that since we were already out in BFE where there are still Drive In movies, Erik, Marshall and I decided to go to American Wedding/Johnny English. It's a double feature for 5 bucks a person. Not a bad deal. I saw some shooting stars, and the sky was gorgeous once you get out where there are no city lights. It's actually dark outside at night, really dark. Sure, we got in after 2 AM, but it was fun.

Okay, back to responding to customers and helping out support. *sigh* Toodles! (gag, I can't believe I said toodles)

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